Prada is negotiating the acquisition of a fashionable Versace brand from the American company Capri Holdings for an amount that can reach 1.5 billion euros, Bloomberg reports.
Prada and Capri can conclude a transaction on the purchase of Versace this month, although negotiations can be broken at any time. If the deal will take place, then Versace will return to Italian control and help Prada strengthen its position, as the company seeks to compete with the French LVMH, the owner of such luxury brands as Louis Vuitton, Moety & Chandon and Hennessy.
Capri, which until 2017 was known as Michael Kors, bought Versace in 2018 for $ 2.1 billion. Capri representatives announced that Versace revenue over the past three months of 2024 is 15% lower compared to the same period last year. It is predicted that the company will incur losses in the current financial year, but it is expected that it will reach the level of break -in next year.
According to Bloomberg, Prada has already received information about the latest Versace financial and trade results after the completion of the primary comprehensive audit.
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