The solution proposed by Argentina to supply the United States

Argentina seeks a solution for the poultry crisis that the United States lives. The price of eggs which went from being a basic product to a luxury in that country, He quadrupled in cities like New York In the last four months and could increase another 40% In the coming weeks for an aviar flu outbreak that caused the loss of production of 50 million laying chickens that had to be sacrificed.

The shortage of supply led to being sold per unit and to limit your purchase. And the price increase It promoted US inflation 3% In January. According to data from the Argentine Chamber of Poultry Producers (Capia)while here the dozen costs US$ 3,5there went to assert between US$ 3,3 y US$ 3,5 a US$ 13. In Miami, for example, in the supermarket chain Aldi It cost US$ 3,9 20 days ago and today is US$ 5,5.

Together with the Netherlands, the United States is the largest exporter in the world. But the Agriculture Department reported that Plan to import between 70 and 100 million eggs In 2025 while the influenza virus continues, so it would open A business opportunity for Argentinawhere per capita consumption grows sustained, with 354 units a year.

Currently, shipments of this product mean just the 2% 6,000 tons per year– while the 98% remaining turns to the national market for domestic consumption. Already in 2024, poultry producers put together an export consortium for try to place 10% of local productionalthough this It represents a challenge.

The United States limited the purchase and eggs are already sold per unit. Photo: AP

Javier PridaExecutive President of the Argentine Chamber of Poultry Producers (Capia)explained that Argentina has Only three certified production plants to export to that countryof which two are adapted to comply with the rules required by the Food and medication administration (FDA) about what The egg must be washed and parafinedand immediately refrigerated after being packed.

The United States and Chile are the only ones that demand this condition. The establishments are not prepared. Have 950 industrial farmsbut the legislation is rigorous and only two have the full line, ”Prida said in relation to the difficulty presented, in statements by Radio Miter.

And expanded that, despite the fact that the greatest insertion in the international market would serve to diversify sales and generate currencies to continue growing, “it implies A high cost in adaptation, which does not condition the period of time to amortize investment” “For example, importation from Brazil will be between four and eight months,” he said.

More egg dust shipments, yolk and albumin

However, he pointed out that “egg breaking factories have a lot of idle capacity” and a solution could be supply the United States with derived products as Egg powders, yolk and albuminwhich have culinary and nutritional uses.

“We are willing to export the amount of prosecuted egg they need. They are sent by containers in boxes of 25 kilos. They are pasteurized, so there is no risk that between any pathogen. In the next few days the good news that the United States opened the egg market, if you accept Argentina’s proposal”, Said.

Egg broken factories have idle capacity and could export derivatives. Photo: Archive

A question is what could happen if Donald Trump Leave firm for Argentina The rise of tariffs to agricultural imports which announced from April 2 or applies exceptions. “To the great farmers of the United States: prepare to start producing much more agricultural product to sell within the country,” the president anticipated.

On The possibility of making eggs at the local level If you start exporting more to the United States, Prida stressed that this could happen if a large commission is made. “Corrections have to be given because we are very late. But I don’t think there is a high impact. In Brazil, the box was a 25% cheaper than here. And today there is a 40% more expensive, after the neighboring country went practically not export to sending a 11% of its national production. That does generate noise, ”he compared.

And closed with a review of the evolution of prices in Argentina. “In 2024, almost 58% rose versus the 118% which marked the consumer price index (CPI). We are below inflation. Historically, from the end of January to the beginning of April there is a rearrangement that marks the floor of the year. We should be selling the dozen in farm between $ 2.500 y $ 2.700 And we are doing it between $ 1.700 y $ 1.800. To compensate, we raise production levels, with a 10,2% of increase last year. ”

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