On the evening of Tuesday, March 4, the Israeli government approved the distribution of budget funds prescribed in the coalition agreements, as well as the proposal to cancel the “coalition money” from next year, introducing them to the budget base.
At the same time, a decision was approved to increase the state budget deficit from 4.4% to 4.7% with an automatic increase option up to 4.9% in connection with the implementation of the recommendations of the Udel Commission to increase the defense budget.
It should be noted that the Minister of Finance Bitsalel Smoitsich was absent, as he is on a visit to the United States.
The only minister who voted against, was the construction Minister of Construction, Yitzhak Goldknopf (“Yaaatyat Ao-Torah”), which first demands to resolve the issue of calling the students of Yeshiv.
About 1.33 billion shekels from coalition money are intended to finance the Yeshiv and Column. In addition, 92 million shekels-on subsidizing training in non-governmental ultra-orthodox primary schools (Talmud-Torah) and in boarding schools, 75 million shekels-to strengthen pedagogical seminars (analogue of pedagogical colleges for women of the ultra-religious community), 70 million Shekels-to support projects of ultra -orex Cultures, 60 million shekels – on the heads for foreign cases, 50 million shekels – to extend the school day in non -state ultra -religious educational institutions. 28 million will receive organizations engaged in the prevention of leaving from Yeshiv.
277 million shekels were allocated for grocery coupons (the initiative of Arya Deri, conveyed as a result from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Social Support), 94 million shekels – to the settlement department, 26 million shekels – the Ministry of Jerusalem and Jewish Heritage. 42 million shekels will receive municipalities and local councils in Judea and Samaria to strengthen security, 25 million shekels – Avi Maoz to strengthen Jewish self -identification, 1.5 million – the local committee of the Jewish quarter of Hebron. 88 million shekels will go to the construction and maintenance of religious design buildings (synagogue, Mikve, etc.)
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