Media: Trump threatens to ruin NATO’s defense – according to Orpo, the US is still a European ally

According to NBC News sources, US President Donald Trump has discussed with their assistants about the opportunity to change the US NATO commitment so that the United States would favor members of the union who use the required percentage of their gross domestic product to defense.

At the same time, the United States could not defend its NATO Alliance, which was an attack, if the country in question does not use the required share of its defense expenditure.

The US NBC News reported on the basis of its sources of authority.

Trump has questioned the principle of NATO’s collective defense earlier, when he stated in his election campaign that the United States should not protect NATO countries from Russia’s attack that does not pay two percent of defense expenditure required by the union.

Evening leaf Based on the sources of foreign and security policy on Thursday, reported that Finland had begun preparedness in silence if Trump-led United States had not committed to NATO’s compliance with Article 5, that is, joint defense.

USA changed

Prime minister Petteri Orpo (Kok) assured at a news conference in Brussels the night before Friday that the United States is still an ally of Europe.

“Yes, but at the same time more and more people see that the United States has changed,” Orpo said.

The Prime Minister pointed out that the US troops recently practiced “defending Europe in Finnish airspace”.

“This does not change the fact that Europe should not bear its own responsibility for defending the continent and the peace of Ukraine,” Orpo said.

“There is no discussion that the United States is leaving NATO,” Orpo said.

The United States withdraws

However, it is known that Trump’s central goal, along with the peace of Ukraine, is that Europe begins to take the main responsibility for its defense.

This line was underlined by the new US Minister of Defense, Pete Hegseth when he said at the NATO Defense Ministry meeting in February that the United States assumes that within 10 to 15 years, European countries will bear the main responsibility for the NATO conventional defense.

Orpo said in Brussels that NATO should create a strong European pillar over the next ten years.

“We need a clear vision for Europe that in 5 to 10 years Europe is a strong military force, a NATO European pillar,” the Prime Minister said.

He was pleased that the Ukraine and Defense Summit of Brussels was able to take concrete steps to strengthen European defense.

“If there have been gravel sounds for Ukraine’s support, there are no gravel sounds that Europe must strengthen its defense. It’s a good thing. ”

According to the Prime Minister, Europe cannot afford to go to the “lift”.

Orpo reminded at a press conference that the threat of Russia would not disappear, even if there was peace in Ukraine.

“It must be understood that the threat of Russia is there and now,” Orpo said.

The Finnish NATO ambassador reveals how Trump’s power income appears in NATO

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