Who is who in the new telephone? Murtra is surrounded by profiles of his stage in Indra, reinforces the control of television and expels the Álvarez-Pallete core

Changes in Telefónica redefine the group’s dome. With the exception of Emilio Gayo, new number two of the group with reinforced command and with more than 20 years behind him in the company, most of the high positions arrive from abroad, something little usual at the time of José María Álvarez-Pallete, and with challenges of various kinds.

A new television direction

Javier de Paz, president of Movistar Plus+Expansion

The audiovisual branch will monopolize many looks in the first months of strategic review, even more after placing Javier de Paz at the head of his advice. The manager is known for his proximity to the PSOE, and specifically José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, as well as some of the hurry managers who were fired by Oughourlian after the failed television project.

Although Murtra said in his last presentation of results that he opts for the new license in an open was not on the table, the designation of De De Paz and the growing weight of the government in the Council heatrieves the rumors of a close process, since the Minister of Digital Transformation, Óscar Lópezhe summoned this spring to finish gaping the new channel.

The CEO of Movistar Plus+, Daniel DomenjóExpansion

At the head of the channel operation, it will be as CEO, Daniel Domenjówhich abandons the incipient projector to launch in Spain a subsidiary of the French producer satisfaction. The manager has always been linked to entertainment programming with programs such as The hunter y The Floor, what clashes a priori with the commitment to the fiction of quality that had been the sign of Movistar Plus+ after the loss of The resistance.

An expert in defense for Telefónica Spain

The president of Telefónica España, Borja OchoaMinsait

Murtra has recruited one of his trusted men in Indra, Borja Ochoato occupy the presidency of Telefónica Spain. The manager arrives after rising quickly in Indra until he occupies the role of director in defense, although most of his experience has been in the B2B business world and not so much in the fierce fight to capture the private client who is fought in telecommunications.

“It stands out for its ability to climb business and generate value,” says the telecommunications company after the signing that could also generate a chain effect among the large executive committee of Telefónica España.

Telefónica Tech’s maturity

Sofia Collado, New CEO of Telefónica TechMinsait

From Indra also arrives Sofia Collado To give a new push to Telefónica Tech. The group’s digital services unit has suffered a deterioration of almost 500 million euros ultimately before a reduction of their business prospects. Among its functions, it highlights the margin of the services that this branch has been offering, key to the future of Telefónica.

The directive has specialized their entire career in human resources management, a key element in the digital world, but has not directed companies, nor areas with this turnover. What seems clear is that Murtra is clear about the mirror to look at: Minsait.

A new digital ‘guru’

Sebastián Muriel, new director of the digital unitWorld

The new address receives an old known as the new manager of digitalization. Sebastián Muriel Tuenti and Telefónica’s customer experience have already directed and after leaving the company in 2022 he has decided to return despite the CEO position at the Groupm agency.

It replaces the media Chema Alonso, who will be his advisor during the transition, at a key moment. Murtra has made it clear that he wants Telefónica to help cover the technological gap between Europe and the United States, but at the same time he came to say that the idea was not to “undertake adventures” and focus on the key businesses of the group.

In the past Mobile World Congress, the operator has presented promising ideas of Open Gateway, the new world initiative of ‘Telecos’ to monetize its networks in which Telefónica exceeds 50 clients, some of them of the relevance of Tiktok. Now it’s time to climb that business and demonstrate its potential.

By Editor

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