The interest payment of the public debt was shot 41 percent in January, to reach 103 thousand 494 million pesos, although this year the federal government is to reduce expenses with respect to income to achieve a strict fiscal adjustment.

Data from the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit show that the obligations derived from the debt exceeded in almost a quarter the contributions to states and municipalities, as well as the resources destined for social programs, while doubled the infrastructure spending and in PetrĂ³leos Mexicanos.

In general, the 103 thousand 494 million pesos that were channeled to cover the financial cost of the debt exceeded the joint expenditure of 29 Secretariats of State and administrative branches, also during the January year.

According to the Treasury, a Efficient refinancing strategy He made the financial cost 14,700 million pesos less than expected in the program, despite an environment of high interest rates. However, this January was the most burdensome since you have registration.

Each of January implied an average interest payment of 3,338.5 million pesos, an amount that alone exceeds what was spent throughout the month by the National Institute for the Evaluation of Education, the Attorney General’s Office, the Regulatory Commission of Energy, the National Hydrocarbons Commission, the Federal Economic Competition Commission and by the National Statistical and Geographical Institute.

It also exceeded the monthly spending of the National Electoral and Transparency Institutes, access to information and protection of personal data, among other instances.

By Editor

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