Stock Exchange: Investors suddenly applied for security on the Helsinki Stock Exchange on Monday – the general index was on Friday

On Monday, the Helsinki Stock Exchange persevered for a long time on a small rise, although the stock market seems to fall globally. OMX Helsinki eventually bent at 0.01 % to 10581.50 points. On the main list, 60 shares were rising and 73 decline. In particular, the index was supported by a few large companies.

From the weight of shares of the exchange tip and the general index Fluid The price of the share was up to 3.45 % in the afternoon Fortum The share price increased by 2.7 per cent, Machine 1.9 % and Kesko 2.2 %.

On Monday, investors were looking for security investments on Monday. Capital streams were directed to interest rates and the demanding demand in the stock market focused on, for example, value stocks. The value style favors the Helsinki Stock Exchange, which has a lot of inexpensive shares based on the valuation meter.

Investors have been afraid of Donald Trump Customs policy drives the country’s decline. President’s weekend comments on the transition period on duties suggested that new customs policies may be more important than economic growth and stock prices.

In the evening, the key indices of the US stock market were 2.2-3.5 % at the time of the Helsinki Stock Exchange closure, and in Europe, the stock markets closed an average of about 1.4 %.

Woodwest Tailo’s Woodwest Tallo.

Trading company Cool Anu gave a positive earnings warning. The company said the adjusted operating profit exceeds the 2024 guidelines for the financial year. At the same time, the company gave preliminary information on its profit.

Puuilo’s net sales for the last quarter of the financial year were EUR 85.8 million and the adjusted operating profit was EUR 14.3 million, or 16.6 % of net sales.

The adjusted operating profit for the whole year was EUR 67.0 million, or 17.5 % of net sales. The company had previously instructed the result of EUR 60-66 million.

Puuilo’s financial year ended in late January. The company will publish its financial statements on March 27.

“The company’s fourth quarter turnover of about 12 % was complemented by a favorable growth of sales margin and good control, which allowed us to exceed our adjusted operating profit for the financial year 2024,” commented the company’s CEO Juha Saarela.

The price of the Puuilo share ended at 10.4 % to EUR 11.16.

Orion Open the Biological Medicines in Cambridge, the R&D Center. As a result of the reorganization, the company has launched change negotiations at the Turku unit and the change negotiations can lead to redundancies of 15 people. The price of the Orion B share rose by 0.9 per cent to EUR 54.00.

Asset and life insurance Command told me to sell all of what they own Saho bankn shares, totaling 19.83 percent of the company, for approximately EUR 319 million. Saxo Bank is a Danish company specializing in investing and securities. The movement was expected as the holdings are no longer in line with the Mandatum strategy.

“Mandatum will continue to focus on creating profitable growth in business-binding businesses such as institutional and private asset management,” said the chairman of Mandatum’s board of directors Patrick Lapveteläinen.

On the basis of the transaction, Mandatum expects to record a minor revolution in the first quarter of 2025 before tax and after the organization costs.

According to Mandatum, the trade has no effect on the trading platform on Mandatum Trader’s customers. The price of Mandatum’s share fell by 1.0 percent to EUR 5.428.

Koskisen made the acquisition

Sawmill Koskisen told about the acquisition where it acquires ownership Iisveden Metsä Oythe business. The debt -free purchase price for the business transaction is EUR 22.5 million.

If implemented, the arrangement will increase Koskinen’s net sales and EBITDA. The arrangement is expected to bring synergies in the procurement of raw materials, especially for birch logs, and thus support the organic growth and profitability of the sheet industry.

According to the company, the arrangement also has a positive impact on the efficiency of the production of the sawmill industry and the optimization of market -specific concepts. At present, the implementation of the arrangement is not expected to have an impact on Koskinen’s profit guidance for 2025.

The price of Koskinen’s share rose 1.7 percent to EUR 7.10.

Tokmanni The share received several recommended changes. Inderes lowered the target price to EUR 14.50 from EUR 15.50. The recommendation is still increasing. OP lowered the target price of EUR 13.50 from the previous EUR 14.00. The recommendation improved to the level when the previous one was minor. SEB lowered the target price to € 16 from € 17, the recommendation is still buying.

The price of the Tokmanni share fell by 0.2 percent to EUR 12.70.

Inderes fell Tulikivi The share of the share recommends when the previous one had to reduce. The target price is still EUR 0.42. The price of the share fell by 2.0 per cent to EUR 0.48.

By Editor

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