Turkey’s mutual suspicion and Iran has been rooted in the culture of peoples for centuries, remembering the Ottoman -Persian wars that took place from the 16th to the 19th century. Therefore, the flash of Ahmed al -Sharia (known as Abu Muhammad al -Julani) under Turkish sponsored against the Assad regime, which operated under Iranian sponsored, has set up a diplomatic explosive between the states.
The Ayatollah regime fed Assad with foreign warriors and in a great deal in the past decade, with the aim of turning Syria into a significant tool as part of the “Resistance Axis”: both for another area as part of the “nitrous ring” plan around Israel, and in favor of turning the International Airport in Damascus into a material point in the money and Iranian councils in Hezbollah. And we have to get the money back, “he said two months ago, the Iranian Parliament Committee member, the Yamadhul Pelotpasha, to the Atmad Agency.
Identify an opportunity in crisis
The civil war that has taken place in Syria since 2011, and a large extent has taken place, has charged a heavy price from the Syrian economy, in all aspects. The volume of physical destruction and the damage to the economy, according to the UN development plan, is estimated at $ 923 billion. It is 17, for example, the cost of rehabilitation in the Gaza Strip according to the UN, the EU and the World Bank.
Those who identify an opportunity in the Syrian crisis, with international insulation and the leadership is a pro -turk, these are companies from construction and transport in Turkey. Sardar Airtman, CEO of the Catuni Group, which deals with international shipping and shipping, said: “There is a $ 400 billion call for Syria’s rehabilitation, including infrastructure, investments, power plants, and large construction and transport ventures.”
Dr. Galia Lindenstrauss, a senior researcher at the National Security Research Institute (Inss), indicates that Turkey wants dominance in Syria over time, explaining that the cards have worked out in such a way that Iran is able to interfere with the plans.
The Assad regime officially fell on December 8, and by the end of December, there was a 20% increase in Turkish exports to Syria, according to the Turkish Exports Association (TIM). In January, the total increase has already been 38%, with the encouragement of machine areas (244%), cement, glass and ceramics (92%) and metal (73%).
The Turkish Logist and Turkish Logistics Association estimates that if it were not for the civil war that led to disconnect with Damascus until last December, Turkish exports to Syria could cross the $ 6 billion – when in practice last year it was $ 2.2 billion. For comparison, the scope of Turkish exports to Israel in 2023, the past year without Erdogan’s trade ambergo, was about $ 5.4 billion.
Tensions have risen a step
Those who look at the side are senior officials of the Islamic Republic, which may have been optimistic of the fire internship between al -Jolyni’s army and the Alawi Naddot Assad, during which the new regime people massacred hundreds of civilians.
However, the new Syrian president, who chose himself, announced Monday on the “end of the operation” against the residue of the previous regime, in tandem with a call to Israel because it would not “preach morals.” Furthermore, in a few hours, he signed an agreement to integrate Kurds under the leadership of Abdi, within the Syrian government and security system that is currently emerging.
These events occurred after a diplomatic craft between Ankara and Tehran that is still underway. The same tension came up “above the surface” in an interview given by the Turkish Foreign Minister and former the head of the Intelligence Agency (Mi̇t) Kan Pedan to the Al -Jazeera network. The same Turkish senior who accused Israel of committing crimes against humanity during the war, with an eye on Hamas crimes, suddenly said that the Iranian foreign policy is dangerous and relies on militias. His intention was not to Israel or Turkey, but to the subversive Iranian activity in Syria. “If you are trying to cause anxiety in a third country, other countries may also interfere with you by supporting organizations in your country,” Fidan threatened.
In response, the Iranian Foreign Ministry summoned Turkey’s ambassador to Tehran a week ago, Hijabi Kirngic, to a “meeting” with Mahmoud Heidari, the head of the Middle East and East Europe at the Iranian Foreign Ministry. “The common interests of both countries and regional conditions require avoidance of incorrect reactions and incorrect surgeries that may lead to gaps and tensions in the bilateral relations,” Hyderery said.
Benny Sabati, an Iranian investigator in Inces, says that since the Syrian rebel success in abortion of Assad regime to this day, the Iranians are very surprised and do not accept the fact that the traveling state has fallen into Turkish hands. “The Iranians are blown up by Fidan who was a member of Kassem Suleimani, and for them he moved a party to another axis. Earlier, Pedan has hit his approach to Suleimani and Iran, while now being published in Iranian media against the Turkish empire that re -established, and they have nothing to do.
Only “friction” in the relationship
A day after Kirngich’s summons to the Foreign Ministry in Tehran, Turkey summoned its foreign office for the Iranian relationship. The person sent to the public to clarify the step is Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman UNJO KACL. “In no case are used on outdoor policy issues as a tool for internal politics,” Katzley said. “We prefer to convey important messages directly to another country, and so we acted.”
“On the one hand, we saw a public expression that we did not see long ago of the ambassador’s summons, but on the other hand it was not defined as a reprimand,” explains Dr. Lindenstrauss. “However, it was close. From familiarity with the relationship of both countries, it is difficult to see a situation where they will bring that the relationship of relationships will get worse. There is a gentle relationship in which Turkey and Iran know how to cooperate, just as Nunara allowed Tehran to bypass sanctions before the first nuclear agreement. Both are regional powers, so when there is a fight for influence areas – there is friction. ”
Sabati concludes that the Iranians were happy to see the riots with the Alava in Syria: Hezbollah resuscitation as a pressure from Israel and a future attack in its territory.
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