In 2023, more than 500,000 people from outside the EU were ordered to leave the Union.
Despite the exit regulations, four out of five people who have been negatively decided were illegally in the EU region.
“Today, only about 20 % of those with a return decision leaves Europe. This figure is far too low. Therefore, we will introduce joint rules for return decisions, ”the chairman of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen told Tuesday in Strasbourg.
The current system is criticized for being too complicated, prone to abuse, and the cooperation between the Member States does not work.
In addition, those returning in the current system are not obliged to cooperate with the authorities. They can also avoid returns by moving to another EU country.
In order to respond to these problems, the Commission presented on Tuesday the means to speed up, simplify and enhance return procedures throughout the EU.
In the future, the Member State may directly implement the return decision made by another Member State without the process to be restarted.
In addition, if a person is found to pose a safety risk, they must be subject to stricter rules. These include, inter alia, a longer entry ban and a forced recovery.
Return Centers Possible
A credible system.
According to Henna Virkkunen, Vice -President of the Commission, a credible immigration policy also includes an effective return system. Archive picture.
Photo: Jari Hanska
The Commission also proposes the opportunity to set up so -called “return centers” outside the Union.
People who are illegally staying in the Union could be transferred to the centers and have received a final departure order from the EU.
However, there should be no unaccompanied minors and families with minor children to return centers.
According to the Commission, a return center agreement may be concluded with an outside EU country that follows international human rights standards.
“Without a credible and effective return policy, we cannot get a comprehensive and reliable immigration system,” the Vice -President of the Commission Henna Virkkunen quoth.
According to him, the new system ensures uniform rules in all 27 Member States.
“We need to be determined and determined in our approach, while remaining loyal to European values such as justice and fundamental rights,” Virkkunen said.
Next, the European Parliament and the Member States are dealing with the Commission’s proposal.
Also read
Commission the key points of the presentation
- New EU System: The system -based system includes joint procedures for remit decisions. It also includes a European return order used by Member States.
- Reciprocal Recognition of Return Decisions: The Member State may recognize the return decision made by another Member State and implement it directly without having to start a new procedure.
- Voluntary return is encouraged, But at the same time, clear rules on obsessive restoration are being drawn up: obsessive returning must be resorted to if a person illegally in the EU does not cooperate, escape to another Member State, do not leave the EU within a voluntary exit time or pose a safety risk.
- For those to be restored, stricter obligations are imposed on, But at the same time, the protective measures for persons are also clear: they have to cooperate with the national authorities throughout the refund procedure.
- Strong protection measures throughout the restoration process: All measures related to return must comply with fundamental rights and international human rights standards. The procedure must include, for example, the right of appeal and protective measures for minors and families. In addition, the procedure supports other persons in the lower position and follows the principle of the ban on returning.
- Stricter rules to limit abuse and prevent escape: Member States have the opportunity to apply stricter rules to locate those to be returned. The new rules define clear conditions for a person’s detention if there is a risk that this will escape. They also provide alternatives to detention. Detention can take up to 24 months, while the maximum length is currently 18 months.
- Rules for the safety risk of the security risk: Member States must assess at an early stage whether the person poses a security risk. If such a risk is identified, these persons are subject to strict rules, which include obsessively returning, longer entry bans and special detention criteria. The maximum duration of the detention may be extended from the right of the court.
- Reinforcement as part of the recovery process: The new rules include a common procedure to ensure that a review request is always made after the return decision.
- Returning centers: The proposal proposed will introduce the legal opportunity to return the illegally resident persons in the EU, who have received the final return decision, on the basis of an agreement or arrangement made at the EU level. Such an agreement or arrangement may be concluded with a country outside the EU that follows international human rights and principles of international law, including the principle of a ban on recovery.
Source: Commission
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