More than 630,000 train tickets had already been sold at 10 am this Wednesday morning, a day of opening of sales for the long holidays, indicates the SNCF to the Parisian, up around twenty percent compared to last year at the same time. “The global hearing (on the SNCF Connect site) was up 21 % ”compared to the opening of sales in 2024, according to the railway company.
“On the occasion of the opening of train tickets for this summer, the French were again there to please the train and anticipate their trips. We observe on SNCF Connect a strong crowd, ”says the SNCF. This year, “research and reservations are very strong to the Mediterranean (Avignon, Marseille, Toulon) and the South West (La Rochelle, Arcachon, Bordeaux, Toulouse and Biarritz)”.
Sales open until the end of August
Ticket sales are open for intercity and TGV trips from July 5 to August 31 until December 13 for the Ouigo and the TGV lines of the South-East axis (Paris-Lyon, Paris-Marseille and Paris-Montpellier). “By reserving in March for journeys in July/August rather than reserving a week before departure, it is possible to save up to 45 % on average,” says SNCF.
According to the latter, “this opening of sales is accompanied by promotion on international trains to Switzerland, Luxembourg, Italy and Germany”. Tickets for Luxembourg or Friborg (Switzerland) are for example available until August 31.
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