The Odyssey to claim when problems arise

What happens when you have a serious problem with a managed accommodation from a well -known tourist departments rental platform? What to what brand or tourist rental company do I mean? To that.

For example, house that is announced with wonderful photos using the word “luxury department” … You arrive and reality far exceed fiction but, but, but … in a negative version. Where in the photos a living room was announced with comfortable sofa now that space no longer exists because it is a corridor and there is a table in its place, where a beautiful bath was published in reality in mold -shaped vegetation on the wall and oxidized accessories, where there were warm spaces with beautiful lights there are places with fucking bulbs and you have to use the flashlight of the mobile so as not to break the chrism, not to mention the pipes of pipes.

At that time you feel an unstoppable desire to run from there while you are sorry that they return the money for which You contact customer service. Well, if you have severe problems with an intermediate accommodation from that platform and you get in touch with customer service, your “bullfighting moment” has arrived: luck, value and the bull!

You are going to face a system designed to disseminate the client. It is like a video game of infinite screens: you must first overcome the challenge of customer service bots because it cannot be a bipedo like you and I write one of these four options on the same case in the same message or in two consecutive ones:

Refund has been prosecuted | We cannot offer you a refund because you failed to comply with the rules | Very sorry. I understand your discomfort. Please verify the terms on our website | We are reviewing your application.

If you manage to overcome the previous challenge and manage to speak with a bipedal, a living being, someone who breathes like you and me, you will have to overcome the following envy: the agent and his information. Every time you call a different agent will attend you that does not understand the notes of the previous agent about your case or simply do not have them, of course after waiting for your good time to the phone because you should consult with a superior even to chew chew.

To all this, the owner of the department, seeing that you have put feet in dusty and that you are requesting the reimbursement sends you message of affection with subtle and friendly threats such as: I know where you live. Meanwhile, from the platform they transfer the load of the test (it shows that the tourist accommodation is disgusting) and they ask you to send graphic documentation (from photos to videos) to demonstrate the incorrectness of the ad. That is to say, The probative charge corresponds to the client because from that platform they only join supply and demandit is not your responsibility to validate the quality or veracity of what they publish. By the way, although in the claim text they mention that you can upload videos to demonstrate that the accommodation breaches the announcement of its system or does not allow or have to work in NASA to do so, because from the chat designed for the purpose of sending them the tests does not allow it.

The last challenge, the definitive test, the final fight, if you want to speak on the phone with the supervisor or the better that you speak English because if you speak the language of Cervantes, that is to say the language of 500 million people in the world, they do not.

By Editor