“I have been coming here for fifteen years, so increases I saw pass. “Attendant in a bistro of the 13th Parisian arrondissement that remained in his juice, slightly vaulted and glasses on the tip of the nose, Philippe leafs through the pages of the Parisian with one hand and imitates the rhythm of” without infringement “of the other. Mylène Farmer in background noise, her reading is interrupted when the server poses a smoking espresso at the edge of the table.
“Do you warn me when it goes to 3 euros?” “Says the septuagenarian with an amused air. The boss creaks with the teeth, he touches a sensitive point. For the past year, coffee has taken a bitter taste: yesterday, it was 2.40 euros in the dining room, today, the bill is climbing to 2.60 euros. The price per kilo broke its 1977 record.
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