Christiane von Hardenberg’s path to the wealth

Christiane von Hardenberg Has a doctorate in economics, journalist, investor, entrepreneur daughter and mother of four sons. When she inherited at a young age, she took her finances into her own hands. Today she acts between family life and the stock exchange and has built up her assets. She In 2024 founded the Wealth Academy to enable women in practice -oriented courses to make confident, self -determined and successful finance decisions. In addition, the financial strategy provides training in various companies.

Kurier: have money – what does that do with happiness and lifestyle?

Christiane von Hardenberg: The difference lies in self -determination. You can then make decisions yourself. If you have no money, you are dependent – on the partner or others.

Why is your own money important for women?

Because we women still have a different work biography like men. Women are part -time more often, earn an average of 15 to 20 percent less. This means that we have significantly smaller assets – in Germany 35 percent less than men. With a healthy partnership, this may not be a problem. But often the evil awakening comes when something happens. It is important to me: it is not about playing men and women against each other. Women should only be aware of what it means to live depending on.

Do you always take heart to be independent?

My parents died early, my father when I was four. I had to be on my own feet quickly. After my third son, I thought: I have too little of everything. Not enough time for the child because I worked. And too little money on the account because I could only work 70 percent. At the end of 20 I inherited because my mother died. I started investing in real estate.

They were a journalist, but left the job because they wanted more money.

Yes. My guiding principle was always: what if I were responsible for my children alone. My husband and I bought the first apartment together. The question then was: life insurance or apartment in Berlin Mitte. We did that with a low five -digit amount – and had a nice lever effect. That’s how it started.

Where did your financial knowledge come from?

This is the tragic: financial education does not take place. If you are lucky, you bring something from home. As an entrepreneur child, I knew all the phrases: no one has become rich from working alone; The money must not lie around at the account; Money has to work for us; You have to invest. I studied from the VWL and BwL, tried it in, learned a lot and also made a lot of mistakes.

They say: The main thing is to start multiplying your money. No matter when.

The starting point is always the right one, regardless of whether it is my son at 14 or the aunt with 72. You just have to do it properly. My children started with a 5-euro ETF savings plan and they enjoy seeing how capital grows. So an ETF is certainly a simple start.

Are you widely scattered?

I have had my experiences with everything. I have no more gold, with crypto I am a bit at war. My conclusion: it must be manageable. I also can’t take care of it for hours every day. But of course I watch my portfolio every day.

They want wealth of retirement instead of poverty in old age.

It would be a lie to say that everyone could become more old -age. But it brings me into rage that women in old age so often stand the water up to their neck. Having a financial freedom in old age, that’s what it’s about. So make up for so that you also have a good life. To do this, you also have to regulate things within the partnership. For joint purchases or in the land register entry.

Because there is a lot of naivety.

It is ignorant. That’s why we have to talk about it. These are not always pleasant, romantic conversations. You often shy away from it. The motto must be: because I love you, I want to clarify this with you.

You say there is a tool to manage finances yourself.

Like everything in life, you can learn that. It is best to start with an asset lineup – what do you have? And think about what you want to achieve and what funds are there for it. Then you could open an online depot and make a plan of how much you put on every month.

The following applies: it is better in the past.

Of course, it is better to start at 20 than at 60. If you start early, you can take it more relaxed. Those who start later need larger missions and no longer have the time to sit out risks and fluctuations.

How much foregoing is the provision?

We are short -sighted when consumption. The vacation today is worth more than the idea of ​​being able to travel with 65. One has to make it clear that today’s waiver will later give greater possibilities.

By Editor

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