No, there is no shortage of eggs in supermarkets

“Be careful not to create psychosis, as for butter some time ago! If customers do not rush into stores to do stocks, everything will be fine, “says the spokesperson for a distributor. No, egg shortage does not threaten France. “And that is not likely to happen. Our hens continue to lay every day, ”says Loïc Coulombel, of the National Center for the Promotion of the Egg (CNPO). Professionals in the sector are formal, even if the press has echoed, in the past few days, punctual supply of supply in certain stores and certain regions.

The situation is not comparable to the United States, harshly struck by avian flu and the slaughter of laying hens by millions, which made the price of the dozen flambé. “Perhaps this crisis in the United States has sparked fears in France, but fortunately, since two cases in November 2024, our country has not undergone the effects of avian flu,” said Loïc Coulombel.

300 new chicken coops by 2030

Sparse rays in certain supermarkets can therefore be explained by the cumulation of several phenomena. In particular the growing success of the egg, cheap animal protein, with French households – where we consumed on average 224 per person last year (against only 200 in 2013).


“Since the beginning of the year, we have been + 5 % in large and average surface, observes Loïc Coulombel. March is traditionally one of the purchase peaks in the year. We are still in winter, it plays on our consumption. There is also a strong demand from the industry, which makes cakes, prepares icy creams for the summer. Added to this is the Ramadan, a period during which egg consumption increases a little. And opposite, our offer does not increase. »»

The sector has planned to build 300 new chicken coops by 2030, but it takes time, especially since the switch to cages in the production of outdoor eggs does not promote productivity.


“We cannot deny that there are tensions, it is true, but these are things that we have already known, and that will have no impact on prices, since large distribution and producers are linked by long -term commitments,” adds Loïc Coulombel. In supermarkets, we promise that customers will find, with a few exceptions, the boxes of six or twelve shells. “We have an average of 30 egg references. Even if it is missing for some time three or four references on the shelves, it still remains, “says a spokesperson for Cooperative U.

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