The United States no longer have enough eggs and ask for them from Europe

The crisis of egg in United States with the stars prices due to the avian epidemic that is devastating the stars and stripes farms, has pushed Washington to ask for help from some European countries, including the Denmark. Last month, according to reports from Reuters a representative in Europa of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has formally contacted the Danish Egg Association regarding the will and ability to export eggs to States despite the commercial tensions triggered by the duties of Trump. “We are still waiting to receive greater indications from Washington on the next steps, but you have an estimate of the number of eggs that could be provided to United States (assuming that they meet all the import requirements)? “, we read in a letter sent at the beginning of this month to the Danish Egg Association. And continue: “Washington He is trying to get an estimate of the quantity he could actually find. ”

Answers from Copenhagen and Finlandia

While Copenhagen is awaiting more information from Washingtonthe Finlandia He said no to the request. According to Finnish television, the Finnish Poultry AssociationNational Avicola Association, rejected the American request because no negotiations for access to the market with the US authorities have been kept. It is a long process that involves inspections and in -depth studies, the executive director of the organization said, Veera Lehtila.

Availability of the Danish Egg Association

For its part, the Danish Egg Association It is open to the idea of ​​sending eggs to United States in the next six months, but has not yet received details from Usa regarding the quantity, he said Jørgen Nyberg LarsenCEO of the commercial association. Larsen, however, warned that the country does not have a great excess of eggs with which to increase exports, and probably will not have in the immediate future due to the demand increasing before Easter. The Danish Egg Association He also planned to supply his long -standing faithful customers before shifting his attention to United States.

Diversification of the supply of eggs

The United States They are not putting all their hopes for export of eggs into a single basket. The efforts to diversify the supply of eggs are part of the proposal of theUsda It is in investing $ 1 billion to face the maxi egg costs, which climbed a maximum record of 5.90 dollars for a dozen in February, an increase of 10.4% compared to last year and 189% compared to the minimum of August 2023 United Statescausing the death of over 20 million ovary hens in American farms in the last quarter of 2024.

Help from Türkiye

The United States they have already asked for help from the Türkiyewhich plans to export 420 million eggs to United States this year, according to theEgg Producers Central Union in Türkiye. However, the figure pales compared to the typical national supply, considering that on average the United States they produce 7.5 billion of eggs per year.

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