Unlike the past year, 2025 does not illuminate technology shares, and especially the AI’s chip shares. The exceptional volatility in the US stock market, which is registered since the beginning of the year following the Trump War War with US trade partnerships, led to the distance of investors from risk assets, which are looking for stability in the market.
On the face of it, the AI companies, and especially chip makers, did not show a significant change in finance foundations. But investors seem to be unwilling to pay high prices for shares in the field, while the US economy, as President Trump said, “is in the transition.”
However, there are voices in the market that are actually estimated that it is just the time to buy the shares in the field: at UBS Bank noted that in their estimation, the risk-reward for semiconductor shares in the field of AI improves, in light of strong innovation, better value estimates and continued growth in demand for artificial intelligence despite the market volatility.
“The foundations of the artificial intelligence industry remained firm”
At the Swiss Bank, four recommended shares noted: Anabiya , Broadcom , Taiwan Semiconductor (TSMC) andASML As you earn the trend. “Despite the volatility in the market, we think strong profits along with solid supply chain tests and innovation cause the foundations of the artificial intelligence industry remained firm,” the bank’s strategies said.
We also noted that “with the expected improvements in performance over the next decade, we see an improvement in the risk reward for the four shares mentioned.” The Bank noted that Anbiya’s GTC event strengthened its dominant status with the severity of AI, when the company unveiled the Blackwell Ultra chip, which offers moderate performance enables and should start shipping in the second half of 2025.
In their field of networks, Broadcom continues to leverage its leadership for its custom AI chip projects, along with Anabiya. As far as TSMC is concerned, the Bank noted that it continues to progress to the development of semiconductors through its expertise in advanced packaging, which is essential to increase processing power.
Finally, UBS stated that “with increased volatility in the market due to uncertainty in the near-term trade war, we recommend that investors continue to utilize volatility through built-in strategies and by purchasing quality AI shares at attractive prices.”
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