All impediments for the renewal of the CCNL Autoferrotra Nvieri Internavigatori (Mobility – Tpl) were resolved. A significant step forward that determined The revocation of the strike scheduled for next April 1st. Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Faisa Cisal and Ugl Fna are the news unit
The content of the pre-extent, signed on 11 December, recalls the associations, “provides for the immediate disbursement of one-off 500 euros and an average monthly economic increase between 220 and 240 euros”. The new contract, with effect from 2024-2026, guarantees its application.
The trade union organizations underline the importance of continuing to work on other objectives of the category, including a better conciliation between life and workthe guarantee of safety for operators and front line operators and an improvement in the quality of the service. In addition, they consider an adaptation of the National Transport Fund, with congrue resources and a reorganization of the system that includes a regulatory reform of the sector and an industrial reorganization aimed at guaranteeing the presence of healthy companies in local public transport.
The agreement on the renewal of the national collective agreement of local public transport was reached in the presence of the deputy minister Edoardo Rixi, as made known by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. This result had been expected for many years by over 110 thousand operators and has materialized thanks to the joint commitment of the government, the employers’ associations and trade union organizations. The Ministry emphasizes that the new contract puts an end to a long period of uncertainties, ensuring better conditions for those who guarantee an essential service to citizens and businesses every day. Already from next month, workers will receive a total increase in the paycheck which can reach up to 240 euros per operation.
The Ministry highlights that this epilogue was strongly supported by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini which followed the dossier closely, testifying to the government’s will to concretely support the sector to encourage stability and development. “With today’s result, the strike proclaimed for April 1 is averted. This moment It is only the beginning of a growth path and enhancement of our TPL, “said the deputy minister of Mit, Edoardo Rixi, at the end of the table with the unions.
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