Orbán’s behavior heats up emotions-a fierce solution on display in A-Talk

On Thursday, the EU countries gathered at the summit and said they were ready to further increase and enhance Russia sanctions and support Ukraine, defending in the Russian invasion war.

However, one country once again missed resolutions: Viktor Orbanin Hungary led.

The EU is now in the new normal, where Orbán is allowed to disagree, describes Politico. Although one Member State was missing from the resolution, it was still given as an official resolution.

Hungary’s activities have been frustrated by other EU for years. Coalition makeup Aura salala has already claimedthat there is a way to find a way to distinguish Hungary from the EU.

Separation from the EU is almost impossible. Ex-beeps Andrew Duff and Luis Garicano write In Politico’s opinionthat Hungary and perhaps also its ally Slovakia could take voting rights.

In the A-Talk of YLE On Thursday, however, an even more radical trick came up, bringing out Aura Salla.

“We have to get Hungary out of the EU, which means that other Member States leave it first or we make solutions outside the budget,” Salla said.

Indeed, Salla suggested that all other Member States would resign from the EU and re -form the EU under the current Treaty. The opening of Salla came up again in the discussion.

“The only way would actually be that other countries would step out and rebuild the same basic agreement and at that point Orbán will be left out.

He went on to keep Hungary constantly playing Vladimir Putin A bag in a situation where there is a war in Europe.

“We no longer have the opportunity to prolong this. This will come again and again,” Salla said.

The radical opening seemed to be profitable by other A-Talko Discussions: MEP Li Andersson (left) as well as MPs Laura Huhtasaari (PS) Yes Miapetra Kumpula-Nitri (sd). However, no one directly said that EU Member States should act as described in Salla.

Kumpula-Natri found Hungary’s activities outrageous and said that through the so-called willing alliance, much more can be achieved than through the EU. Not only EU countries, but also outside the EU, Britain and Norway are involved in the Alliance.

Huhtasaari said that he was kicked off the EU.

Andersson threw that Hungary could be changed to Ukraine. To this, Huhtasaari stated that this cannot be done straight, as Ukraine does not yet meet the criteria for EU membership.

However, orbán no longer is EU peak meetings the only rush of the opposite beach or the brake of large decisions. He is especially accompanied by the Prime Minister of Slovak Robert I am. In addition, the EU’s high foreign policy representative Kaja Kallaken Driven by Ukraine Support Package fell just To the opposition of the Mediterranean countries.

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