Stock Exchange: Helsinki Stock Exchange in Red – Dividend Disconnected

The Helsinki Stock Exchange was on the rise early in the week, but on Wednesday and Thursday, the overall index on the stock exchange ended. On Friday, the invoice seems to continue. The general index OMX Helsinki has remained in moderate decline since the morning dip. A moment ago, the general index was 1.55 % down by 10,453.45 points.

At the top of the most replaced shares were Nordea 6.64 % fall. The share ended at € 12.87 yesterday and in the morning the share was EUR 12.02, or EUR 0.85. Today, a dividend of EUR 0.94 will come from Nordea. Also Land, From Kemira, Forest from Board and Big ensust Disconnecting dividends. All shares were declining.

When dividends are removed, the courses may decrease by dividend, but this does not always happen. If you want dividends, they must be purchased before the day of the release.

For investors, dividends are also available on the Helsinki Stock Exchange next week. On Monday the dividend will come off United Bankersista and on Tuesday With an indication mixed Central. On Wednesday, dividends will be released from eight shares such as Fluid and From the knowledge vry.

On Friday, the biggest rise on the stock market was fiber manufacturer Spinnova, whose share was 13.29 percent a moment ago.

Nightingale Share to the US Marketplace

Trading health technology company Nightingale Healthin Shares and AD certificates will begin at the OTCQX International marketplace today on Friday.

ADR is a US dollar replaceable deposit certificate that represents ownership of shares in a non-US company.

The OTCQX is the highest market in OTC Markets, and the OTCQX International is reserved for companies whose share is already traded in a non -US marketplace.

Nightingale announced last year about its project to list its shares in the United States. It seeks to increase liquidity and owner base.

Solar Foods’ agreement struck the stock rising

Protein manufacturer Solar Foods announced that it had signed a $ 1.4 million supply agreement in the US Superb Foodin with.

Inderes considered the news positive, but did not make the forecast changes, as the forecasts of the analysis house will require more similar commercial successes in the next few years.

After the news, Solar Foods’ share picked up more than 12 %. The company’s share has already received a boost when Solar Foods said it was planning new production facilities.

Inderes: There are no big surprises in the KH Group

Investment Company Sievi Capitali formed by a conglomerate formed KH Group Last Friday released pre -information from October to December. Continuing businesses increased, but comparable operating profit deteriorated.

Today, the company published its official financial statements, which further specified sources of growth. The KH Group is intended to focus on KH-machine-selling and renting civil engineering machinery.

KH-machine’s net sales increased to EUR 45.8 million from EUR 39.1 million and the adjusted operating profit fell to EUR 2.8 million from EUR 3.2 million. Analysis house Inderes Expected EUR 48.0 million and EUR 2.8 million.

Growth focused more on the expectation of the analysis house Nordic Rescue Group. However, according to Inderes, the review did not contain any major surprises.

The KH Group’s share opened on Friday morning, but was a moment after the stock market opened at a rise of 0.4 % at EUR 0.57.

By Editor