Brasilia. The countries of the BRICS group plan to improve energy cooperation to be more inclusive and sustainable, said the Minister of Mines and Energy of Brazil, Alexandre Silveira, in the city of Brasilia.
It is our responsibility to seek a balance between energy security, sustainable development and the transition to a future with low carbon emissions
Silveira said during the opening of the Second Energy Meeting of the BRICS, chaired by the South American Nation.
The minister highlighted the priorities of the country by having the leadership of the group, especially a fair and inclusive energy transition, as well as the extension in access to energy services to reduce poverty.
He stressed in that sense the importance of developing rural electrification initiatives so that the transition is also inclusive and socially fair.
A truly sustainable energy policy can only be the one that puts people first
Silveira said.
Referred to the need to strengthen
The global south and improve energy cooperation, as well as coordinate actions so that the integration of the new members of the group expands development opportunities.
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