Why Europe needs more liquid gas

If pipelines are not enough

At two petrol stations, the liquefied gas is then filled into tank trucks. This has to be done quickly, because pressure and temperature also rise in the well -insulated tanks. “Depending on the season, the gas stays one to a maximum of three weeks Here, “says Terminal Manager Tommy Borgaas of the group of visitors from Vienna Energy and Austrian journalists. Gasum sells LNG to customers in the industrial and mobility area (ships, trucks, buses).

LNG terminals such as that in Fredrikstad – which is comparatively small – are at the moment very busysays Kenneth Olsen, supplier to Gasum. Since Russia’s attack on Ukraine, subsequent sanctions and finally the Transit stop Through Ukraine, Europe has to increased in a different way come to natural gas. Industry, energy sectors, but also many households are still dependent on gas. If pipelines are not enough, the gas must be delivered by ship.

Norway and the USA are now the largest supplier

The LNG share of gas imports In 2025 to Europe Around 40 percent For the forecasts of the energy consultancy Rystad Energy from Oslo, forecasts. Almost half of the liquid gas come from the USAother large suppliers are Algeria and Qatar. The goods are usually brought to large ports along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coast. Most of the time, the liquid energy source is made again gaseous and fed into line networks. For example, he also comes to Austria.

After the rapid loss of Russian natural gas in Europe (the country still has up to 15 percent market share in the EU) is above all Norway stepped in as a supplier. The country with 5.5 million inhabitants is stem Over 30 percent of European gas supply. Pipeline connections exist for the rest of Europe. However, increasing production is out of the question for Norway. You want to deal with your gas reserves economically and ecologically well.

Price fluctuations, also through EU requirements

For the time being, more liquefied gas is required to compensate for the failure of Russian gas. The United States in particular is also ready to deliver. Production capacities are expanded there. According to Rystad, it will be a clear one in 2027 Oversupply come. This could decrease the prices, the trade of long -term delivery contracts on the electricity exchanges indicates. Rystad sees a lot of uncertainty in the future in the future.

This year is that demand After natural gas still very highThe EU’s ambitious requirements are also responsible for this. Member states are prescribed at what point in time their memory how full must be. In summer, wholesale prices will be at a higher level than in the past.

In the long term without any natural gas

In the long term, the gas requirement in Europe goes through the Advancing decarbonization of the economy. The failure of Russian gas can be compensated for well. Norway takes a key role. Since in the summer of 2024 had been decided to completely do without Russian gas Vienna Energy 80 percent His natural gas from the north, says CEO Michael Strebl.

When Long -distance goal the energy supplier strives for one complete exit from gas. However, renewable energies have to be expanded significantly and currently unable to create storage options. Gaskraftwerke As a necessary bridge technology, you will need for a while, says Strebl. In order to be able to operate them economically, however, would be Changes in the electricity market model necessary. In Europe, there is still disagreement in Europe.

The courier was energy in Norway at the invitation of Vienna.

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