From wine to cheeses, Italian products most at risk with US duties

In 10 days, on April 2, the United States should clarify the extent of the possible duties applied to Europe. According to some studies, the Made in Italy sector most at risk of repercussions is the agri -food one, with some quality productions more at risk since dependent on exports to the USA.

Precisely for this reason, Italy could be one of the EU countries most disadvantaged by the new US commercial tariffs. Wines, cheeses, oil, vinegar and pasta are among the goods most exposed by the possible repercussions of the duties. According to an analysis of Italian cia-agricultors, Chianti and Amarone, Barbera, Friulian and Ribolla, Roman pecorino, prosecco and apple cider appear in the list of tricolor products more in danger while among the most exposed territories they are counted Sardinia and Tuscany.

Even American consumers could be faced with a change of their favorite products. The cider, specifies the CIA study, is a niche of excellence that allocates 72% of its exports to the American market (for a value of about 109 million euros in 2024).

In fact, the Apple Cider is among the most popular drinks between the US millennials and if our local cider was no longer imported, companies should replace it with other products. The same goes for the Roman pecorino (90% produced in Sardinia) which records an export in the USA 57% (almost 151 million euros) and which is used above all to flavor the chips in the envelope.

With any duties at 25%, the flourishing American sector of chips and snacks (2.5 billion) would be forced to contact other dairy products, perhaps less good but with a cheapest price. But not only for tastes, there would also be a repercussion for the pockets. Coldiretti provides that with the imposition of a 25% rate on Made in Italy agri -food exports, American consumers will have to spend up to two billion euros more.

The cost for the individual chains would be almost 500 million euros only for wine, about 240 million for olive oil, 170 million for pasta, 120 million for cheeses. So far the Italy-USA exchanges have been flourishing. In 2024 the sales of Italian goods in the USA were approximately 65 billion euros, noted the Confindustria Study Center, generating a surplus close to 39 billion. Despite a drop in the last year, the US market has offered the highest contribution ever to the growth of Italian exports from the pre-covid period.

Italian export is more exposed than the European average to the US market, being 22.2% of Italian non-EU sales, compared to 19.7% of EU ones. Among the most exposed sectors stand out: drinks (39%), motor vehicles and other means of transport (respectively 30.7%and 34.0%) and the pharmaceutical (30.7%).

For Italy the introduction of American duties, detect statecovered “considerable importancebecause in the last fifteen years the growth of our production system has been mainly supported by foreign demand, against one weak or stagnant internal question “. Italy, recalls the Institute of Statistics, “has oriented its export flows towards non -EU markets, especially the US one”.

According to estimates instead of Svimez The Italian GDP in 2025 in case of 10% duties would be reduced by 0.1% – with a loss of 27 thousand full -time work units – while the exports would decrease by 4.3%. The government in concert with the EU follows the developments of the situation.

Giorgetti, economics and politics are increasingly interconnected

Customs rates and virtual coinsin a different but equally effective way, are means that condition not only the economy but also international politics. Governments find themselves having to respond to these changes by adapting their internal and foreign policies, in a world in which thereEconomy and politics are increasingly interconnected. We must avoid that these ‘unconventional weapons’ will be used in order to undermine the stability and justice worldwide “, comments the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti.

To Dazzi not CRIPTOVALUE, adds Giorgetti, they are “tools used as real ‘economic weapons’capable of redefining the balance and global financial and commercial dynamics, but which are also deeply influencing world politics “.

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