The Knesset intends to extend the secrecy of the work of the CCA until 2027 without discussion

When the state-owned company KCAA’s enhanced secrecy regime expired in February 2023, Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Yuli Edelstein refused to automatically extend it for five years.

Under pressure from environmental organizations, the secrecy regime of the CCAA, which maintains the Ashkelon-Eilat fuel pipeline, was extended for a year. During this period, a special subcommittee was supposed to study the need for a regime of enhanced secrecy and make appropriate recommendations.

According to Kalkalist, over the past year the commission did not hold a single meeting. As a result, this week the commission headed by Edelstein published a draft decree extending the strict secrecy regime for the CCAA until the end of 2027.

It should be noted that the strict secrecy regime in force for KCAA is significantly more stringent than for state defense corporations. In fact, everything falls under it, with the exception of some aspects of ecology, design and construction, and licensing of enterprises. In particular, issues of salaries, industrial accidents, any tenders and transactions, etc. are secret.

By Editor

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