Sauna on Sunday too?  The price of stock electricity is dropping like a stone

On Sunday, the price of electricity on the stock market drops to -1.5 cents per kilowatt hour. The average daily price is the lowest of the current year.

Exchange electricity is cheap this weekend. Tomorrow, Sunday, the price of stock electricity will drop even more from Saturday.

There where on Saturday, the price of electricity with value added tax on the stock market was at its lowest at −0.3 cents per kilowatt hour, is Sunday’s lowest price by no less than 1.5 cents. The information can be found, for example, on the pörssiähäkä.fi website.

Unlike on Saturday, on Sunday the price of electricity on the stock market is also above zero between eight and eleven in the morning. During this period, the highest price is 0.63 cents per kilowatt-hour at nine o’clock.

The cheapest exchange electricity is on Sunday afternoon at three o’clock.

The daily average price with VAT on Sunday is -0.25 cents per kilowatt hour. The average price of exchange electricity on Sunday is the lowest this year, according to the electricity exchange Nordpool from the website.

The account can hardly be accessed

Although the price of electricity is negative on Sunday, you probably won’t get rich by using electricity.

Electricity transfer prices put the electricity user’s final bill on the plus side, although Sunday can be a cheaper time than usual to take a sauna, do laundry or cool the apartment with air conditioning.

By Editor

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