At VivaTech, French Tech gets a new boost

Tech reinvents many things, but not the rules of the market: money is the sinews of a war and the balance of power is measured in fundraising. And with only 8 billion euros “raised” in 2023, compared to 13 the previous year, “French tech” believed its star was fading. Certainly, two French companies, Verkor, which is preparing the start-up of a giant battery factory for electric vehicles, and Mistral AI, French champion of artificial intelligence, appear well in the European top 10, but after two years of he euphoria, this blow of “not so good” could raise questions in a sector boosted by the incredible acceleration of generative artificial intelligence, in the wake of ChatGPT.

But after flashing orange, the lights are now green, and the year 2024 looks set to be much more prosperous. Mistral AI, again, is in the running for a new fundraising which is rumored to be worth 600 million euros, or double the investments that the very young start-up managed to garner over the first 10 months of its existence. existence.

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