They cut off the gas supply at service stations and industries in Córdoba and Santa Fe

With the objective of prioritizing and guaranteeing home supply in the face of the increase in consumption derived from low temperatures, distributors of Córdoba y Santa Fe they resolved interrupt the sale of gas this Tuesday in CNG stations, as well as restrict its use in industries in both provinces.

As those companies officially explained, it is “force majeure” problems generated by “technical defects” in two compressor plants of Transportadora de Gas del Norte (TGN), located in San Luis and Chaján, in the south of Córdoba.

“This afternoon we had communication from the company that supplies us with gas, which is the owner of the gas pipelines that come from Vaca Muerta and different fields, informing us that they had a problem in two compressor plants and this made the normal supply of natural gas difficult” , he explained Andres RomagnoliManager of Communication and Institutional Relations at Coast Gasa company that distributes natural gas through networks in Santa Fe and northern Buenos Aires.

In dialogue with Three from Rosario, Romagnoli added: “Taking into account the cold days and the greater home consumption that we are registering, we are asking all CNG and industries in the area, Rosario and the south of the province of Santa Fe, restrict consumption during these hours until the TGN company can put the two compressor plants that are having some difficulty back into operation.”

We don’t know the duration, but we do know that the peak of home consumption is between 7 and 10 at night, which is the coldest time and when people return home. After these hours, we hope that consumption will go down again and that the TGN plants can be repaired,” he said.

And he added: “The stations were required not to consume and so were the large industries.taking into account that the priority is home consumption.”

By sOn the other hand, in Córdoba, Ecogas urged the province’s CNG dispensers to “completely suspend sales until further notice.”

As reported The voice of the interiorthe company in charge of the natural gas network distribution service in Córdoba territory sent the official communication via WhatsApp on Tuesday afternoon.

In Córdoba, there were long queues of cars trying to fill up with gas before the interruption of sales. Photo The Voice

There he explained that the measure was due to “the declaration of force majeure indicated by the carrier, and with the aim of preserving priority consumption in the area.”

According to what was published by that same medium, if the vending companies did not comply with the measure, or did so partially, “fines and penalties could fall on them.” regulatory and/or contractual regulations that correspond.” The measure reaches about 360 establishments in that province.

By Editor

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