The window as a power plant: high-tech solutions regulate the room climate

Austria has a reputation in professional circles as the country with the best industrially manufactured Window This is also confirmed in the research project “Cool windows” the Wood Research Austria and the Technical University of Graz. A simulation-based study was carried out to find a holistic solution that would reduce the energy requirements for the Cooling and heating of living spaces while at the same time providing good daylight minimized.

The result:

Compared to conventional windows, with appropriate planning up to 50 percent of the cooling energy and up to 30 percent of Heating energy In addition, such “cool windows” can help to Room temperature without any technical cooling on hot days by up to about six degrees Celsius, confirms Manfred Gaulhofer, Chairman of the Platform Windows Austria. “In view of climate change and the frequent Overheating of living spaces These findings make a significant contribution to improving the quality of life.”

Unlike 20 years ago, today windows – in new buildings and renovations – are no longer just about the Thermal insulation The focus is on a pleasant living environment throughout the year. Gaulhofer: “The contemporary window is Kraftwerk which on the one hand provides us with light, fresh air and energy and on the other hand acts as an effective protection against extreme environmental influences such as storms, heavy rain, hail and noise.” This is reflected in the selection of different The type of glass depending on the direction of the façade side on which the window openings are located.

Also the Shading is no longer limited to the south and west sides, but is also used in other areas. The optimal control of the room climate is now often achieved through “intelligent windows” that no longer require individual operation by the user. smart sensors opens and closes windows automatically, activates the Shading with increased solar radiation and the Privacy protection at nightfall. It even measures the CO2-Content, moisture and odors and thus controls the ventilation requirement. Through programmable Presence simulations For greater security, lights in the house can be switched on or off or Roller shutters Sensors on the windows report Burglary attempts immediately on your smartphone. “With all the technical innovations, automatic control of the living environment via smart systems will soon become standard in residential construction,” Gaulhofer is convinced.

Massively promoted The replacement of windows in accordance with the thermal renovation of buildings in all European countries. Such a measure is a simple, highly efficient and effective contribution to achieving climate goals – and a means of improving personal living quality. The reasons for replacing windows are usually not functional defects, but rather the changed requirements. Modern windows enable much higher energy efficiency, including targeted use of the Solar energy – for example through newly developed Solar celln, which are built into the glass panes, but also significantly improved burglary protection, sophisticated shading systems and smart control options. In addition, today’s window systems meet changed architectural requirements, which are increasingly moving towards various shapes and colors as well as large-scale glazing including Lift-sliding doors or panoramic elements go.

How economical is replacing windows?

An actual Study by Greenpeace under the title “Heating without oil and gas by 2035” has confirmed that all types of investment in building renovation are ultimately cost-effective for consumers. There are also other positive effects, such as increased Living comfortless dependence on rising energy prices and a healthier indoor climate. Even in the production of modern Wood and wood-aluminium windows The focus is on environmental friendliness. In Austria, for example, Holz from sustainable domestic forestry, the proportion of recyclable profiles in the production of plastic windows is constantly increasing. Not to forget the use of biogenic connecting, adhesive and coating materials as well as the Reusability discarded windows and their components, which are the subject of ongoing research projects. – Wolfgang Mayr, Susanna Pikhart

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