At the end of May 2024, the average price of the basic food basket was 1,858.58 pesos, a variation of 1.51 percent or 27.71 pesos compared to the April level, reported the National Alliance of Small Merchants (Anpec).

According to the private organization’s report, the five states with the most expensive basic basket were Chiapas (13.43 percent), Hidalgo (12.85), Campeche (11.57), Nuevo León (8.06) and San Luis Potosí (7.99 percent).

The market study carried out by Anpec takes into account 44 basic products; It is carried out in the 32 states with a random domiciled, outpatient and stratified sample in more than 200 points of sale at three levels of consumption: high, medium and popular.

According to the monthly report, the product that increased the most in the last month was avocado, with an increase of 17.91 percent, as it went from 59.52 pesos per kilogram in April to 70.18 pesos in May.

The orange followed, with 9.30 percent, going from 26.30 pesos to 28.74 pesos; carrot, 7.80 percent, from 17.10 to 18.43 pesos; jalapeño chili, 7.71 percent, from 38.32 to 41.28 pesos, and rice, 7.60 percent, from 29.18 to 31.40 pesos per kilogram.

Other products that had significant targeted increases (only in some regions of the country) were tomatoes and eggs.

The tomato rose in San Luis Potosí 153.33 percent, in Veracruz 90 percent and in Colima 80 percent; Meanwhile, in the state of Mexico, eggs became more expensive by 19.5 percent and in Oaxaca by 9 percent.

According to the most recent report from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, inflation accelerated for the third consecutive month and the rate reached 4.69 percent.

They ask for a smooth transition and reforms by consensus

Everyone’s concern is to control inflation and this requires a stable political environment, which implies a smooth and smooth transition of powers, similar to the one we experienced when Enrique Peña Nieto handed over the administration to López Obrador. We Mexicans saw with pleasure how the parties knew how to come to an agreement for the good of all.stressed Cuauhtémoc Rivera, president of Anpec.

For this reason, he assured, small businesses welcome the gestures that the virtual president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, has shown by expressing that she will govern for everyone, even for those who did not vote for her; that she will listen to all voices, she will seek to build consensus and promote open parliaments before legislating reforms.

The country has voted to continue on a path of understanding. That address marks the mandate of 36 million Mexicans. Changes and reforms will have to be made to the State apparatus at all its levels and in all its roles, and the narrative with which this reform action must advance must be based on consensus, not on anticipated conflict. It is not about excluding anyone or kicking the opponent to the ground; It would be unnecessary rudeness and a great nonsense that would lead, without a doubt, to discussing a pointless retarded agenda.he pointed out.

By Editor

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