Consider piloting hiring foreign CEOs for state-owned enterprises

The Prime Minister asked state-owned enterprises to consider a pilot plan to hire foreign executives and leaders who are not party members.

At the conference on the afternoon of June 15, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh asked state-owned enterprises to innovate and optimize production, cooperation, technology, management, and human resources. In particular, innovating the work of cadres and human resources was emphasized by the Prime Minister as “the key of the key”.

According to the Prime Minister, the remuneration regime and responsibility handling at state-owned enterprises are still administrative in nature and have not created incentives associated with responsibilities under the market mechanism. Most businesses are locally managed with limited capacity and low business efficiency.

He suggested that these businesses consider recruitment plans and hire high-quality human resources to innovate staff work. Accordingly, they can consider piloting the hiring of foreign executives and leadership personnel who are not party members. At the same time, compensation and salary mechanisms and policies also need to be built appropriately.

Previously, at a meeting in March, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung said that currently state-owned enterprises do not have autonomy, employees, especially management levels, are not encouraged to innovate. , dare to think, dare to do, maximize your abilities.

“Enterprises must select and appoint qualified and experienced managers, and need a salary and benefit regime commensurate with the capacity and results of management and administration,” the Minister once proposed.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh spoke at a conference with state-owned enterprises, June 15. Image: VGP

At the conference on June 15, the Prime Minister also assigned the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Central Organizing Committee, and the Party Committee of the Central Enterprises Sector to propose appropriate staff and organizational work. This, at the request of the Prime Minister, must be specific to state-owned enterprises but still ensure political harmony.

The Ministry of Finance will soon study the draft Law on Management and Investment of State Capital at Enterprises, increasing decentralization for the owner’s representative agency, enforcement capacity for subordinates, inspection and supervision.

In 2023, the total revenue of state-owned enterprises will reach more than 1.65 million billion VND, with profits of more than 125,000 billion VND.

Particularly, 19 corporations and corporations under the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises and Viettel Group have a revenue of more than 1.3 million billion VND, contributing more than 166,000 billion VND to the State budget. In the first 5 months of the year alone, this group’s consolidated revenue reached more than 823,000 billion VND, pre-tax profit was more than 28,000 billion VND. This level increased by 12% and 33% respectively over the same period.

The Prime Minister assessed that 2024 is important to complete the goals of his term. “There is not much time between now and then,” he said, emphasizing that state-owned enterprises must promote achievements and overcome limitations and weaknesses.

The Prime Minister requested corporations and corporations to clearly define their roles in socio-economic development, growth, macroeconomic stability, and ensure major balances. “If state-owned enterprises cannot be the mainstay, take the lead in paving the way in investment and development, create motivation and lead, then what economic sector can do it?”, the Prime Minister asked, adding that the “each individual” model Ministries and branches have a Viettel, each province and city has a Becamex” that needs to be replicated.

He said businesses must continue to restructure, completely resolve long-standing problems, speed up investment progress, complete unfinished projects that are many years behind schedule, and develop plans and roadmaps. detailed production, business and investment development process.

“Groups and corporations increased their accumulation, becoming large locomotives on a regional and world level, affirming their reputation and national enterprise brand in the international arena,” he said.

At the conference, Government leaders also assigned specific tasks to a number of businesses. In particular, the energy sector (electricity, petroleum, coal) must meet the needs of the economy, especially ensuring electricity supply in all circumstances. The food sector implements a project to develop 1 million hectares of high-quality, low-emission rice.

Corporations and public utility corporations continue to research fee exemptions and reductions to support people and businesses, especially with water, telecommunications fees, logistics and take-off and landing costs. State-owned enterprises that build and develop infrastructure and urban housing focus on developing 1 million social housing apartments, this year alone completing investment in 130,000 apartments. State-owned commercial banks continue to reduce interest rates for people and businesses.

The Prime Minister requested ministries, branches and localities to accompany businesses, remove difficulties, reduce administrative procedures, and have mechanisms, policies and incentives to develop priority industries and fields.

By Editor

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