Netflix's hit series has done wonders for Britain's economy – Economy

The highly popular costume drama is estimated to have given the British economy a boost of more than 300 million euros.

British a Netflix series depicting the upper class Bridgerton has done wonders for Britain’s depressed economic situation.

The popular series is estimated to have brought in up to 275 million pounds (about 325 million euros) to Britain over five years, says The Guardian.

The production company behind the series describes of Bridgerton cultural and economic impact “to shake the earth”.

Estimate based on an assessment made by the Netflix streaming service itself.

Netflix’s estimate includes only the direct and indirect costs of production. According to calculations, making the series has supported almost 5,000 local entrepreneurs over the years.

The jobs brought by the production have been welcomed with joy in the post-coronavirus crisis.

Count can still only be considered a cautious estimate, as it is based on production costs and does not include, for example, income from increased tourism thanks to the series.

The “Bridgerton effect” is called the rise in popularity of empire line dresses, five o’clock tea and themed trips inspired by the series.

The Guardian tells, among other things, how fans of the series make “pilgrimage trips” to the filming locations of the show around England. In addition to trips, there is also plenty of demand for various Bridgerton-themed events.

The Guardian says the CEO of the series developer, production company Shondaland Shonda Rhimesin which opened trading on the London Stock Exchange on Friday. Rhimes spoke at the event about the immense cultural and economic importance of Bridgerton.

“Bridgerton starts conversations, creates trends and influences everything from baby names to weddings,” Rhimes is quoted as saying.

Set in the 19th century, the series appeared on Netflix in December 2020. The third season of the series started in May.

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