The wage bill grew 10 times more in this six-year term than between 2005 and 2018

The sum of workers’ salaries in Mexico increased 37.2 percent in the last five years, compared to the 3.4 percent increase that the same salary mass advanced over 13 years – between 2005 and 2018 – estimates from the National Council report. of Evaluation of the Social Development Policy (Coneval).

The organization’s data show that since 2005 – when the input from occupation and employment surveys is available – the sum of labor compensation in Mexico has advanced 41.9 percent, but most of that advance has been recorded since the end of 2018. to the first quarter of 2024.

Also over the course of two decades, from 2005 to 2024, the wage bill – as it refers to this sum of salaries of workers in the economy – increased in practically all the states of the country, except Morelos.

According to Coneval estimates, the wage bill in Morelos has accumulated a decline of 3.5 percent over almost 20 years. Between 2005 and December 2018, it registered a setback of 29.8 percent, which has not been fully offset by a rebound of 37.4 percent in the last five years.

Also until December 2018, Morelos was followed by 11 entities with a decline in the sum of labor remunerations: Tamaulipas (-22.5 percent), Veracruz (-22.5), Mexico City (-19), Nuevo León (-16.5) , Tabasco (-11.6), Oaxaca (-6.1), Guerrero (-4.9), Baja California (-3.6), San Luis Potosí (-3.5), Sonora (-3.2) and Sinaloa (-0.8 percent).

In the last five years, the greatest growth in the wage bill has been recorded in Nuevo León (82.9 percent); Tabasco (60.7); Mexico City (51.3); Tamaulipas (48) and Guerrero (47.8 percent). And the least progress has been registered in Guanajuato (4.2 percent), Sonora (11.5), Querétaro (11.8), Colima (19.9) and Quinta Roo (21.9 percent).

By Editor

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