The legendary dial from 1963 meets a state-of-the-art tablet… here is the 21st century version of the telephone booth

In the 1990s, France had nearly 250,000 telephone booths before they disappeared from the landscape in the mid-2010s, with the end of universal payphone service in municipalities covered by 2G/3G. And yet, the two cooperative companies Telecoop and Commown have every intention of restoring this emblematic equipment in a digital version.

They are installing a first cabin connected to 4G and with free access on Wednesday June 19 in Strasbourg, betting that their concept will be emulated throughout France. Behind the window of a purple wooden booth, the user is spoiled for choice when it comes to making a phone call or being called back: they can use a legendary 1963 Socotel with a rotary dial or the loudspeaker of the a most modern tablet.

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