Construction companies are considering continuing to work during construction leave this summer

Some construction companies are considering ignoring the construction leave and continuing to work this summer to make up for the many backlogs. But most companies will probably focus on more overtime in the coming weeks.

Due to the bad weather in recent weeks and months, many construction companies are experiencing backlogs. At the end of May, construction federation Embuild said that three quarters were experiencing delays. Brickwork does not dry sufficiently, construction pits remain wet and machines do not get caught in the mud.

Now that drier weather is on the way, it is expected that many companies will work overtime until the start of the construction leave. Others are considering tinkering with the construction leave. “Some companies are considering continuing to work during the summer. It is effectively a debate that is alive and well in the sector,” says Embuild.

However, it is not expected that people will work en masse during the collective construction leave. “After all, our construction workers are also entitled to holidays with their families,” says Embuild.

Collective closure

The collective construction leave is an agreement in the sector. This leave is mainly taken in July, although it can extend into August in some regions. Construction companies can ignore such a collective closure, as long as there are agreements about this with the staff or the unions.

Construction companies close collectively because the chain is very closely linked. Contractors, subcontractors, architects, suppliers are all dependent on each other. “If one of us stops working, the other no longer has a job. This is much less the case in other sectors. Suppose cement is no longer supplied, then it will be difficult to build houses. That is why it is better that everyone takes the congé at the same time,” explains Embuild spokesperson Sven Nouten.

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