Does AI compensate for missing employees?

“No region of the world needs the Artificial intelligence stronger than Europe,” says Kirsten Rulf, partner at BCG in the Berlin office. “Because this is the only chance to Skilled labor shortage to cushion the impact,” the tech expert continues.

Austria is short of 28,000 skilled workers in IT alone, and tens of thousands in other areas. In Europe, there is a total shortage of millions of workers. “And nothing will come because we don’t even have the teachers who could train these skilled workers for the future,” says Rulf, naming the burning problem of the lack of employees.

The BCG manager advises clients worldwide on the use of Responsible AI and Generative AI. She was also head of digital and data policy in the German Federal Chancellery. She is also an advisor to Angela Merkel and Olaf Scholz and was involved in the negotiations on the AI ​​Act.

“I don’t want to say that AI doesn’t pose any risks – cyberattacks, fake news and lies – there are of course a lot of negative aspects. At the same time, it is artificial intelligence that can help us move forward in the economy.” Rulf explains the AI ​​Act in the EU: “Europe has written 150 laws on this in the last four years, which also have to be implemented in the economy. Companies don’t know how to deal with it. This has to be seen as a brake on our economy.”

“No region of the world needs artificial intelligence more than
Europe,” says Kirsten Rulf, Partner BCG

Not a tech topic

For Europe, she hopes that we will become the world champion in applications. Artificial intelligence is here, but it must also be used in companies. If we do not use this potential, we will no longer play a geopolitical role by 2030,” says Rulf. Europe must continue to be a continent that can attract and retain talent. But how can that be done?

By having the courage to transform companies. According to Kirsten Rulf, artificial intelligence is not a technology issue. 10 percent of AI is the algorithm, 20 percent is the IT architecture, but 70 percent is people and the application.

It is therefore a question of implementation and conversion – and this must be addressed quickly in companies.

The KitzSummit 2024

Rulf is a guest at this year’s KitzSummit, which takes place from June 20 to 23. This year, there will also be a line-up of top-class experts, panels and guests:

Entrepreneur Gabi Spiegelfeld, together with hotelier and investor Christian Harisch, has invited guests to Kitzbühel for the second time. At KitzSummit, a new world order will be discussed over three days. The exciting discussions will be led by experts throughout, and the topics will range from geopolitics to Europe’s role in the new world order and the global labor market.

A total of 170 guests came to the summit in Kitzbühel at the Schlosshotel Lebenberg, including: Martin Kocher (Minister of Economic Affairs), Johannes Kopf (AMS), Herbert Diess (Infineon), Paul Frey (KHM), Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg (Spitzberg Partners), Rudolf Krickl (PwC), Jochen Borenich (Cancom), Matthias Beck (University of Vienna), Stefan Lamm (Mercedes Benz), Jürgen Lukasser (LGT Bank), Peter Moser (Montanuni Leoben).

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