What to do if roses dry up before they bloom

Christina Moritz from the floristry workshop “Flowers from Hühnersteig” in the 14th district explains: “The reason for drooping flowers could be dryness – or the opposite: they have been watered too much. Roses are best watered in the morning. Strong sunlight combined with water can burn the leaves. The foliage should also remain dry in the evening, otherwise fungal diseases can develop. Newly planted roses should be watered thoroughly throughout the summer in dry weather, because the rose soil of container roses dries out quickly. Well-rooted, perennial rose bushes usually tolerate dryness and heat without any problems and only need extra water in extreme heat or sandy soil.”

Avoid waterlogging

The master florist recommends: “To avoid waterlogging (which roses don’t like), roses should always be planted in a pot with a hole in the bottom or drainage layer. Rose pots should be a little bigger than the root ball and deep, as roses have deep roots. If the soil is too compacted, it is best to loosen it regularly with a small ‘hoe’. If a good substrate is used and the rose is regularly fertilized, it can stay in a pot for several years without being repotted. Repotting is still recommended from time to time.”

Gardeners know advice

Whether it is about the optimal cut for your rose or the right care for orchids: take the opportunity and send us your questions – with a photo of your plant – to:
[email protected]Subject: Gardener question

We will forward your questions to an expert and present the answers in one of our next issues.

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