Reported disagreements in labor relations decreased in 2023 compared to 2022, revealed data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).

The Inegi released the Statistics on labor relations of local jurisdiction (Erlajul) 2023, in which it revealed that Mexico registered 1,260 cases of strike calls, 60 percent less than in 2022, when 3,151 were reported that year. .

Of the strike calls, 32.7 percent originated from a demand for contract revision, while 21.2 percent were due to salary revision.

Of the total number of locations, 35.9 percent were resolved due to not complying with the requirements stipulated in the law, and 34.3 percent due to withdrawal.

In 2023, four strikes broke out in Mexico City, Hidalgo, Michoacán and Zacatecas. Of these, three were resolved during the same year.

The Inegi revealed that individual and collective work conflicts went from 138,420 to 79,069 from 2022 to 2023, which meant a decrease of 42.9 percent.

For every 100 labor conflicts registered, 80.2 occurred in the tertiary sector (services and commerce); 18.2, in the secondary (industry), and 1.6, in the primary (agriculture and livestock).

At the national level, 1.3 people for every thousand employed people registered lawsuits for work conflicts (individual and collective).

By federal entity, Mexico City, Aguascalientes and Guanajuato stood out, with rates of 3.3, 2.9 and 2.5, respectively.

The resolved labor conflicts went from 138,774 to 116,626, a decrease of 16 percent compared to 2022. The percentage of labor conflicts that were resolved by agreement was 33.6. The above was also recorded in 2022, with 40.4 percent.

During 2023, at the national level, 402,194 pre-trial labor agreements, 79,069 labor disputes (individual and collective) and 1,260 strike notices were registered. These constitute the starting point for reaching other stages of resolution of disagreements in labor relations at the local level.

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