Leading Chinese businesses want to increase capital investment in Vietnam’s strategic infrastructure system, such as urban and high-speed railways.

On the morning of June 27, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended the Conference on cooperation in developing Vietnam’s strategic transport infrastructure and the role of Vietnamese – Chinese businesses in Beijing (China).

Many businesses in this country have expressed their desire to invest and implement strategic traffic connection projects between Vietnam and China.

Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Truong Quoc Thanh mentioned the phrase “if you want to get rich, first build a road”, to talk about the direction of building a safe and sustainable transportation system. Mr. Thanh emphasized that China considers infrastructure development a priority, and affirmed that the country is promoting transportation cooperation globally and considers Vietnam an important partner.

From a business perspective, Mr. Ton Vinh Khon – Chairman of China Rolling Stock Corporation (CRCC) – said that in the future, Vietnam will form a high-speed railway as the main axis Hanoi – Ho Chi Minh City and other railway routes. Fast connections around this axis. Therefore, CRCC wants to cooperate and joint venture with Vietnamese partners to build and produce railway equipment and promote the supply chain.

He believes that the two countries can choose appropriate systems or equipment to build supply chains right in Vietnam. This will help Vietnam form a railway industry. In addition, according to the Chairman of CRCC, Vietnam needs to develop railways that combine sustainability goals and improve operation and maintenance capacity.

“Only open cooperation can share opportunities. We are ready to cooperate in the fields of railways and new energy to advise Vietnam to build a modern railway system, contributing to building a sharing community.” share the future,” said Mr. Ton Vinh Khon.

Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Truong Quoc Thanh spoke at the Vietnam Transport Strategic Infrastructure Development Cooperation Conference, on the morning of June 27, in Beijing, China. Image: North Group

Mr. Wei Tan Cu, Deputy General Director of Huawei Group’s communications and state agencies department, also identified railways as a national strategic field, and the company wants to participate in the digitalization of transportation. download in Vietnam.

He said this group has participated in the development of many railway lines in Asia with wireless communication technology systems, intelligent digital integration in operation. According to him, digitalization will help build a smart railway system with safe operation and effective maintenance.

Huawei Group leaders further noted that in addition to applying high technology, digitalization in the railway industry needs to consider designing models to solve specific problems and situations stemming from people’s requests. This will help businesses and authorities come up with appropriate solutions to manage and operate transport infrastructure, especially railways.

Sharing about cooperation in building strategic infrastructure, Minister of Transport Nguyen Van Thang said that Vietnam’s need for capital for transport development from now to 2045 is very large.

For example, in terms of roads, Vietnam needs about VND600 trillion (equivalent to 471 billion yuan) to develop more than 9,000 km of expressways. Of this, the capital need to be mobilized from enterprises is at least VND360 trillion, or 102 billion yuan, according to Mr. Thang.

Vietnam also needs about 4.8 million billion VND (equivalent to 1,400 billion yuan) to develop the national railway network and urban railways of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. This capital is expected to be spent on upgrading 7 existing railway lines with a total length of 2,440 km; Build 9 new railway lines with a total length of more than 2,600 km, including the North – South high-speed railway with a length of 1,545 km, the Ho Chi Minh City – Can Tho railway line with a length of over 175 km.

Mr. Thang also mentioned the investment orientation to build 14 urban railway lines in Ho Chi Minh City (6 lines) and Hanoi (8 lines). “The Van Cao – Lang – Hoa Lac route in Hanoi is focusing on calling for investment in the form of PPP (public-private partnership) with a capital of about 65,000 billion VND, equivalent to 20 billion yuan,” Mr. Thang informed. .

In addition, capital needs for the development of seaport and airport systems are about 100,000 billion VND and 20,000 billion VND respectively.

“Vietnam’s transportation capital needs are very large and diverse across all five areas of transportation infrastructure. This is a challenge for the Government and ministries of Vietnam but an opportunity for Chinese businesses.” as well as Vietnam,” the Minister of Transport shared.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said Vietnam wants to cooperate in implementing three railway lines connecting with China, including Lao Cai – Hanoi – Hai Phong, Lang Son – Hanoi, and Mong Cai – Ha Long – Hai Phong.

According to him, these three railway lines help Vietnam connect with Central Asia and Europe through China and help China connect with ASEAN through Vietnam. These railway lines will help Vietnam and China reduce logistics costs, lower prices, increase competitiveness of goods and create livelihoods, and develop the economy and society.

“Vietnam’s viewpoint is to focus on these three routes with the spirit of ‘no rush, do it steadily’. If we can do this, we will complete the cooperation framework of ‘two corridors, one belt’ with the Belt and Road,” he said.

Regarding urban railways, Vietnam also encourages Chinese businesses to invest in the form of PPP. The Government plans to assign relevant agencies to research and report soon and propose an Intergovernmental Agreement on coordination and implementation of 3 Northern railway projects, then expand other routes due to great demand.

He said Vietnam will issue bonds and mobilize budget resources to develop transport infrastructure. However, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh proposed that the Chinese side provide preferential loans, transfer railway technology, and train human resources. For businesses of the two countries, he believes that it is necessary to further promote cooperation in the form of joint ventures through BOT and PPP investments in the spirit of “harmonious benefits, shared risks and working together, winning together.” “

“We must adjust our way of doing things, innovate our thinking, complete planning, build specific schemes and projects to provide financial solutions, manage and mobilize more and more resources for projects. symbol of the two countries,” he said.

Currently, China is a powerhouse in traffic development, with over 6 million km. This country also persists in prioritizing the environment and low-carbon development; The goal is to develop an intermodal transportation system combining road and sea and promote transportation equipment that uses clean energy. China has developed 1.8 million charging stations for electric vehicles on the highway system, applying Big data technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of transportation.

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