Teaching livestream to activate startup spirit for students

A group of digital content businesses partnered with universities to teach livestreaming to students to stimulate startup spirit and find talent.

On the evening of June 26, Phuong Oanh Daily and Huynh Bao, the “Closing Stars” duo who grew up from the KOC Vietnam 2023 contest, appeared at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade to demonstrate livestream sales techniques such as how to introduce products, pin shopping carts, try them out and close orders in front of the camera.

The duo demonstrated the different job positions in the live session operation team. Nearly 1,000 orders were closed in the 90 minutes of the live session.

This is one of the soft skills training activities for students jointly implemented by Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade and Startup Uni 5.0. The organizers hope that this activity will stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit, especially in the field of e-commerce, increasing the chances of successful business for students after graduation.

Kick-off livestream performance by Phuong Oanh Daily and Huynh Bao at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade. Photo: Organizing Committee

In addition to Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade, a number of other colleges and universities have also recently introduced livestreaming into teaching, both extracurricular and curricular. In mid-June, Gia Dinh University and Vietnam E-Commerce Association (VECOM) organized a free livestream course for students to experience with experts from House of Deera MCN.

FPT Polytechnic College even introduced livestream sales into its curriculum in 2017 through specialized activities and direct interactions with speakers, then integrated it into the training program. In mid-April, the school signed a cooperation agreement with MVOT X, a member of Master Vietnam Online Trading. Accordingly, MVOT X will invest and develop more than 1,000 professional live rooms at FPT Polytechnic Ho Chi Minh City educational facilities, providing students with modern facilities and equipment for practice.

Master Thai Hoang Khai, Representative of Startup Uni 5.0, said that choosing livestream as a form of demonstration for students is because it is a modern tool, an effective way for them to practice and develop soft skills. “Through livestreaming, students can learn and practice communication skills, teamwork, and time management. This helps them prepare better for their future careers,” said Mr. Khai.

Livestream sales have appeared in Vietnam in the past 8 years, available on e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, Sendo. This is also a feature that users take advantage of to sell on social platforms, such as Facebook. This method started to explode when TikTok Shop appeared in Vietnam in 2022.

Since last year, livestreams have been “feverish” with a series of live sessions with huge sales being announced. For example, on April 4, Tiktoker Pham Thoai had a live session that earned 2 million USD. Or on May 5, Quyen Leo Daily announced that he earned 100 billion VND after a 17-hour live session.

Dr. Bui Hong Dang, Vice Chairman of the Council of Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade, said that to succeed in the modern business environment, the school encourages students to be creative and adapt quickly to change. For students who intend to start a business in e-commerce, understanding about livestream is considered necessary when this method is popular.

Introducing livestream into teaching, according to Mr. Tran Van Nam, Vice Principal of FPT Polytechnic College, Director of FPT Polytechnic Ho Chi Minh City, helps students quickly adapt to the development of the e-commerce industry and accessibility trends. customers directly through this model.

Expert Mai Hoang Phuong Thao of Accesstrade Vietnam said that students’ proficiency in social media sales platforms and understanding the needs of potential GenZ customers will help them more easily penetrate the market.

By Editor

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