activity fell 1.7% in April compared to the previous year

In April, the Monthly Estimator of Economic Activity (EMAE) recorded a drop of 1.7% in the year-on-year comparison and 0.1% compared to March in the seasonally adjusted measurement, according to the INDEC this afternoon.

Compared to the same month in 2023, seven sectors of activity that make up the EMAE registered increases in April, among which Fishing stands out (with a year-on-year increase of 197.1%) and Agriculture, livestock, hunting and forestry, with a rebound of 70.3%.

Agriculture was the item with the greatest positive impact on the interannual variation of the EMAEfollowed by Exploitation of mines and quarries, with an increase of 9.4%.

For its part, eight sectors of activity recorded falls in the year-on-year comparison, among which Construction (-24.8%) and Manufacturing Industry (-15.7%) stand out. Together with Wholesale, retail and repair trade (-13.1%) They contribute 5.2 percentage points to the year-on-year drop in the EMAE.

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