The European Union introduced economic sanctions against Belarus

The European Union has imposed economic sanctions against Belarus, Meduza reports.

In the area of ​​trade, the EU has introduced additional restrictions on the export to Belarus of goods and technologies for maritime navigation, luxury goods and goods that “can help strengthen the industrial potential” of the country. The EU also extended the ban on the supply of dual-use goods.

In addition, the EU has introduced a ban on imports from Belarus of gold, diamonds, helium, coal and mineral products, including crude oil. The export of goods and technologies used in oil and LNG refining to the country was also limited.

In addition, the EU authorities have imposed a ban on the provision of various services to the Belarusian government, state bodies and related institutions.

The EU Council also expanded the ban on the transport of goods by road across the territory of European countries using trailers and semi-trailers registered in Belarus.

In addition, the European Union decided to strengthen control over attempts to circumvent sanctions. EU exporters must now include in their contracts a clause prohibiting the re-export of important goods and technology, firearms and ammunition to Belarus. The EU authorities also banned the transit of dual-use goods through Belarusian territory and agreed on the introduction of mechanisms for comprehensive verification of goods that can be used in the defense sector to determine the risk of their re-export to Russia.

On June 24, the European Union approved a new, fourteenth, package of sanctions against Russia due to the war in Ukraine.

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