A new large company appeared on the Helsinki Stock Exchange when Cargotec split in two: Kalmar went down, Cargotec rose – Finance

The value of Kalmar’s share, which appeared on the Helsinki Stock Exchange on Monday, fell over the course of Monday. Hiab and MacGregor, which remain in Cargotec, were priced significantly more valuable than Kalmar.

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Cargotec split in two, Kalmar became a new separate listed company.

The combined price of the shares exceeded Friday’s closing price.

Kalmar expects the operating profit to be around 11 percent in relation to net sales.

Helsinki the stock exchange’s list of large companies got a new company on Monday morning, when Cargotec, which makes cargo handling equipment, split into two. Kalmar, which makes equipment for handling containers and other heavy cargo, became a new separate listed company.

Hiab, which makes truck lifts, and MacGregor, which makes deck cranes for ships, remained in Cargotec. The latter is for sale, so in the end only Hiab will remain in Cargotec, and the name is also supposed to change to Hiab in a year.

News The division of Cargotec roughly doubled the company’s value as of the beginning of last November. Last Friday, the share cost 74.95 euros, which means the market value of the entire company was 4.1 billion euros.

In the split, the company split in half quite cleanly, i.e. with the old Cargotec share you got one new Kalmar share.

In the morning, Kalmar’s share first jumped to 37 euros, which would have corresponded to about half of Cargotec’s closing price on Friday. But the share price quickly fell downwards and at 2:30 p.m. it was just under 29 euros.

For the rest the share of the remaining Cargotec was priced significantly higher on Monday. The share price naturally collapsed because half of the business left.

But the price was still significantly above half. The price of Tynkä-Cargotec was over 47 euros at 2:30 p.m. on Monday.

Inderes analyst Erkki Vesola stated HS last week that it is difficult to assess the mutual valuation of the companies until we know what the MacGregor on the sales list is worth in the end.

Stocks the combined price, around 76 euros, therefore still exceeded Friday’s closing price.

Kalmar updated its assessment of business profitability this year right this morning. Kalmar expects a “comparable operating profit as an independent company” to be approximately 11 percent in relation to net sales, despite the expenses arising from the division.

About 40 percent of Cargotec’s ownership is held by Herlin’s family companies and the foundation.

By Editor

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