Mediation over behavior of National Lottery CEO Jannie Haek fails

The mediation procedure regarding Jannie Haek, CEO of the National Lottery, has failed. This was learned on Tuesday by the company and the unions. It is now up to the board of directors to make a decision, according to the unions.

The mediation procedure was started at the end of March at the request of the union delegation at the National Lottery. On the one hand about the difficult social consultation at the government company and on the other hand about the person Jannie Haek and more specifically his “behavior”. In the newspaper The time the unions accused Haek of “unacceptable verbal abuse” against staff and “excessive alcohol consumption”.

According to the National Lottery, Haek apologized several times during the mediation, including to the staff, “for his communication style that, due to inappropriate language or tone, can come across as intimidating, inappropriate and hurtful,” it said in a written statement. He also promised to work on it.

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“He continues to be a problem”

An action plan was on the table on Tuesday, “but the union representatives have decided not to continue the current mediation procedure,” according to the management. “The mediation has failed. Confidence is completely gone, especially after Haek’s behavior on Tuesday,” responded unionist Kelly De Wilde of ACV Openbare Diensten. According to her, there was an “outburst” from the CEO during the meeting, “above the normal volume”, which made the union representatives feel attacked. “That felt very disrespectful towards us.”

Jean-François Lemaire, federal secretary at ACOD Public Services, speaks of “a lack of trust” between the unions and Haek. “He continues to be a problem. Despite several meetings, he remains in denial,” he says. “He blames his mistakes on his employees and clearly remains a toxic manager.”

The unions will not demand the dismissal of Jannie Haek. “We leave the choice to the board of directors,” says De Wilde. “We have tried for weeks to work positively. It is a great pity that it has turned out this way.”

Haek has been at the helm of the National Lottery since 2013, for a fee of 290,000 euros per year. His mandate was extended in 2021.

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