The next government’s public policy on tourism must include new promotional mechanisms so that Mexico is firmly placed on the international radar, thereby stopping the flight of tourists to new emerging destinations, according to the National Tourism Business Council (CNET).

Braulio Arsuaga, president of the association and of Grupo Presidente, stressed that the business sector is not looking for the return of the Mexican Tourism Promotion Council, but rather for the mechanisms to be integrated For promotion, because today countries do a very strong active promotion and Mexico has already lost five years in this regard..

Business leaders in the tourism sector are not seeking the return of these councils, which were disbanded by the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but “we do want the return of the organic mechanisms that give us the necessary investment to strengthen Mexico’s brand.

We also propose these types of issues to contain crises and maintain public relations.Arsuaga said. The CNET president agreed with what the World Travel and Tourism Council said last week: Mexico has lost tourist arrivals worldwide due to lack of promotion.

They hope to meet with Claudia Sheinbaum

The council is waiting to hold a meeting with Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, Mexico’s virtual president-elect, once she appoints the new head of the Ministry of Tourism, in order to present her with a document that includes a series of recommendations on public policy in the area of ​​tourism, from the hotel sector, recreational parks, theme parks and museums to archaeological sites.

There are several product strategies and hopefully it will be well received and with good eyes to take what can be used and that this becomes a pillar of the new government.Arsuaga explained.

According to estimates by the Center for Advanced Research in Sustainable Tourism, headed by Francisco Madrid, Mexico was the sixth most visited country internationally in 2023, only behind powers such as France, Spain, the United States, Italy and Turkey, in that order.

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