At the Patricios Regiment, a very unusual setting for business meetings, ACDE (Christian Association of Business Leaders) kicked off its Annual Meeting with the Regiment’s band singing the anthem to the enthusiasm of the 420 attendees, a record.

The governors and specially invited officials were absent from the meeting. But that It didn’t make a dent in the support for the government by the vast majority, although with notable nuances.

Perhaps following the words of Pope Francis recommending “living a life of coherence”, Gonzalo Tanoria Bemberg, who, together with the Otero Monsegur family, is the owner and president of the San Miguel citrus company, expressed that his way of supporting Javier Milei was capitalize the company at US$ 40 million.

“Is he time to support”he said, and invited entrepreneurs to follow him, “whether with a production line, a new machine, hiring more people. Milei alone will not be able to do it. Putting his shoulder to the wheel will be a great business,” he encouraged.

Tanoria participated in the debate that called for the answer “what is happening to Argentina?” led by Santiago del Sel, with investments in renewable energy and in which Juan Vaquer also participated.

Precisely, the former Dow, quoted the now deceased jurist Carlos Nino and attributed to the anomie, the inability to comply with the rules and the first coup d’état in 1930, the beginning of our troubles. “It was the kick-off,” he said.

Vaquer, who expressed support for the government, stressed that a revolution of values ​​is needed. He challenged: “How can we not react when we are on the verge of him joining the Supreme Court? a character who raises many doubts,” he said, obviously alluding to Judge Ariel Lijo.

And he spurred on with tolerance for corruption: “We have to stop tolerating corruption, like when society does not react in a manifest way when a figure who generates many doubts arrives at the doors of the highest court or when one of the most important courts “exonerates a businessman from liability for allowing himself to be extorted in a corruption case.”

Tanoira seemed to downplay those comments and insisted on what Milei has to face.A new door opens for us And this time it is a government that is willing to sacrifice its popularity, to pay costs. work hard to reach the promised land,” He said that the waste of spending more than one has and populism caused the debacle.

A little while earlier, Victor Valle, head of Google in the country, said that “Argentina cannot afford to be frustrated again”. In the large room there was agreement on “the course chosen by Milei but that It is time to manage change,” expressed by those who fear the deterioration of the social climate.

The RIGI (Incentive Regime for Large Investments) was highly praised, but at the same time it was said that it is incompatible with the currency controls. “No one is going to bring in a peso if they cannot take it out,” they explained.

The meeting was chaired by Luis Guastini, CEO of Manpower Group, one of the leaders in temporary hiring. In closing, Silvia Bulla, president of ACDE concluded: “We are saddened by a reality in which the majority are poor.” And she demanded “leave no one out of the way. Argentina has the resources for comprehensive development.”

By Editor

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