The unemployment rate rose in the United States – There are signs in the air that the labor market is cooling

The number of employed people increased by 206,000 in the United States in June.

of the United States the latest employment figures show signs of the labor market cooling down, reports news agency Reuters.

The number of people employed outside agriculture in the United States increased by 206,000 in June, the Labor Department said on Friday. News agency Bloomberg survey of economists the median growth forecast was 190,000 employed.

The unemployment rate rose to 4.1 percent in June, compared to 4 percent in May. The increase in the unemployment rate is explained by the fact that the number of the workforce increased by 277,000 people. The unemployment rate rose to the highest since November 2021, Bloomberg reports.

Annual wages rose the slowest in three years, Reuters reports.

In June US central bank Fed boat keeps key interest rates unchanged between 5.25 and 5.50 percent. Rising consumer prices, i.e. inflation slowed down in the United States in May.

The financial market expects the US central bank Fed to start an easing cycle in September, reports news agency Reuters.

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