Elbit’s hot product: what is a spur arrow system

One of the hottest technologies of Elbit Systems in the defense market is the “Dorvan Arrow” active defense system, the last deal for the sale of which was closed a week ago for approximately $130 million with BAE Systems Hägglunds, a Swedish branch of the British giant that deals in the field of vehicles and armored vehicles. The systems will be installed on the APCs of a European country, in a contract that will be carried out over five years. This is not Elbit’s first deal of its kind with the BAE Corporation, after last year it won a contract for $109 million to implement a spur arrow in CV90 APCs for a European customer.

Darvan Arrow is an advanced “hard defense” system aimed at increasing the self-defense capabilities of armored platforms against threats. This system is the second generation of the IDF’s active defense systems, and is characterized by high performance and low volume, weight and power requirements. The system provides pentagonal platforms with 360 degree protection against a wide variety of anti-armor threats, such as anti-tank rockets, anti-tank guided missiles, and threats from unmanned systems, including drones and drones.

Among the additional customers of Hatz Durvan is the US Army, which about three months ago purchased Malbit systems for the benefit of the Bradley series anti-tank missiles, in a deal totaling 37 million dollars. Beyond that, the system is integrated with the means of the IDF. The first agreement with the Israeli Ministry of Defense for the purchase of a spur arrow in the amount of $31 million was signed in January 2020, and included supply for five years.

“active defense systems”

Bezalel Machlis, CEO of Elbit, said that “the arenas in Ukraine and Israel have proven that fighting on land is still significant, which increases the demand for defense systems. The Darvan Arrow provides advanced active defense capabilities for armored vehicles against various threats, and is of great interest.

“The fact that the US Army purchased the system for installation on the Bradley APC, in addition to deals with European countries, are another proof of the quality of the system. And this accumulation is only the first swallow.”

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