Overwhelming security for Milei and a more austere meeting than usual

At the conference of the Council of the Americas and the Argentine Chamber of Commerce last year, when Javier Miley He criticized the “prebendary businessmen” and promised to “get rid of the State”, his security forces were already doing their best to avoid the riots that they caused. He was the sensational candidate in the electoral arena argentina.

If something caught the attention of this 2024 edition of the popularly called Council of Americas, it is that Milei President moved with a huge security deployment of internal and imperceptible “foreign” agents. A real army that took over the facilities of the Hotel Alvear for hours.

Initially, the Casa Rosada’s requests were to guarantee the physical security of the President, a close ally of the United States and Israel, then a sensitive target – they say around him – at a time of all kinds of alerts due to the new war in the Middle East. On the other hand, it was ordered keep journalists as far away from the president as possible so that there would not even be an exchange of glances with him.

In one a more austere conference than other years due to the number of exhibitors, politicians and businessmenMilei was the one who closed the conference at noon on Wednesday. He gave a speech of just under an hour, focusing on the economic. It was a while before another drop in inflation was announced, with July reaching 4% compared to June, which had reported 4.6%.

“Everyone sees the miracle except the Argentines,” complained the President who, Once again he showed up alone at an activity and not accompanied by his sister Karina Milei. The recent absence of the Secretary General of the Presidency on the trip to Vaca Muerta (Neuquén) and Chile had also attracted attention. And although she was present this Tuesday at the CCK, Karina’s role was notably discreet in the context of the head of State having publicly acknowledged, with a kiss on the mouth, his relationship with the former showgirl and current host Amalia “Yuyito” González.

The Casa Rosada allowed only its cameras to take pictures of the President, and no other. For the VIP, they asked that there be pasta frola and Cepita juice available for the president, who apparently did not eat.

Sitting in the front row were ministers Guillermo Francos (Chief of Staff), Patricia Bullrich (Security), Diana Mondino (Foreign Affairs), Federico Sturzenegger (Deregulation), Luis Caputo (Economy), and Daniel Funes de Rojas, from the UIA, representing the private sector; Eduardo Eurnekian, from Corporación América, and one of his main collaborators, Carolina Barros. The hosts were also present: Natalio Mario Grinman, president of the CAC, and Susan Segal, president and CEO of the Americas Society and the Council of Americas, which are in Argentina for their 21st edition. Also present were businessmen Martín Cabrales, Adelmo Gabbi, Gustavo Weiss and José Urtubey.

The surprise visit of Minister Caputo was much talked about because his team was responsible for telling journalists and the organizers of the Conference that the official was not going to be at this edition of the Council of Americas.

Only Sturzenegger, who always has his “very cool” style, spoke. When Caputo appeared, he justified himself by saying “he came to listen to the president but he was not going to speak.” Indeed, he was giving a speech on Wednesday afternoon at the Cereal Exchange.

While the President sought to balance praise for “Toto” Caputo and “the Colossus Sturzenegger,” both They hugged each other in front of everyone. And Francos said in front of everyone that Mondino was “the best chancellor.”

With a low profile, Nicolás Posse, the former Chief of Staff, who was fired by Milei and in harsh terms after years of friendship, entered the office.Now I’m just a citizen“, he told this newspaper when trying to approach him.

The moment of The “sticks” were during the round of presentations of the governors. This was the case of the governor of Neuquén, Rolando “Rolo” Figueroa, when he took the microphone in the panel of provincial leaders together with Alfredo Cornejo, from Mendoza, Ignacio Torres, from Chubut; Carlos Sadir, from Jujuy, and recalled that they had asked him “to be brief because the mayor of the Federal Capital took too much time, so, as always, We in the Argentine provinces are going to try to summarize as much as possible: talk less and do more.. That is our motto always. That is our motto always. And within talking less and doing more, I believe that Neuquén has great potential. If you ask me what is the most important thing we have? I say, without a doubt, that it is our people.” The public applauded him, but his peers seemed uncomfortable. Jorge Macri, the one mentioned, did not say a word By the way, he had left a while ago after giving his speech to the hosts.

Below the stage, between coffees and juices, an important political leader listened to Bullrich said that she had resumed her dialogue with Mauricio Macri and that she was sure that the PRO would end up making an alliance with the libertarians instead of going to the 2025 elections alone. She was then heard criticizing Macri’s former Chief of Staff, Marcos Peña, and blaming him for the Juntos por el Cambio government’s tepidity in taking measures such as its own current policy on security and against pickets. And then, although she considered the visit of the libertarian deputies to the imprisoned repressors as “legal”, she assured that she would not have done it.

By Editor

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