The sale of shares in the popular Manolitos brings 5.5 million euros to Álvaro Morata

British fund VGO Capital entered into the shareholding of Spanish company Manolo Bakes at the beginning of this year, with a disbursement of 27.5 million euros which made him the main shareholder with a 49.9% stake.

Behind the Manolo Bakes business is the also Spanish From mouth to mouth 2017whose main activity belongs to the sector of bread and fresh bakery products manufacturing.

As the newspaper reported yesterday Five Daysits accounts reflect how on January 11 of this year a private contract was signed for the purchase and sale of shares to the companies Art and Healthy Millenium, SL, Technical Inertia, SLP y Gourmet Pastry Chef Sons of Manolo, SL as the selling party. The acquisition was valued at 22,782.00 shares.

Thus, of those 27.5 million, 21.5 were used in the purchase and sale of shares to the main shareholders of the companies. The company Art and Healthy Millenium which features the participation of Álvaro Morata and Pablo Nuño Utande, founder and current CEO of Manolo Bakes, was touched 5.5 million euros The company subsequently signed the distribution of a dividend for the amount received from the transaction.

The capital obtained through the operation was delivered, in a greater percentage, to Gourmet Pastry Chefs Sons of Manolo society of the Manzano family and until then main shareholder: 14.2 million euros for their share of the company, equivalent to a 28.48% stake (22,782 shares).

Another beneficiary, although to a lesser extent, was Technical Inertia SLPwho received 1.75 million in the same transaction for its 1,854 titles.

He Boca en Boca social capital 2017 was left in the hands of Arte y Sano Millenium, SL with 18,782 shares (30.77%), Planeamiento del Territorio, SL with 5,560 shares (9.11%), Inerzia Técnica, SLPU with 3,176 (5.20%), Sayaka Management, SL with 5.02% of the share capital (3,062 shares) and VGO with 30,459 shares and its representation of 49.90%

It should be noted that Morata is not the only footballer involved in the business of manolitosbut also the Catalan Sergio Busquets, as well as his other colleagues Thiago and Rafael Alcántara, participate in the share capital of Boca en Boca 2017 through the aforementioned company Sayaka Management, SL

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