Banks and sustainability, a relationship that will be discussed with experts from the region

What is the role of development banks and finance committees in promoting more sustainable banking? What are the global initiatives and international regulations that promise to boost financial inclusion and sustainable finance? In the coming days, Buenos Aires will be the epicenter of this and other debates, as a new edition of the Latin American Congress of Sustainable Development will be held. Sustainable and Inclusive Banking.

Organized by the Association of Public and Private Banks of the Argentine Republic (ABAPPRA) and the Latin American Federation of Banks (FELABAN), it will take place on August 26 and 27 at the Libertad Palace (formerly CCK) in the city of Buenos Aires and will bring together the leading exponents of the financial sector, both nationally and internationally.

With the presence of international leaders in the field, the presentation given by Costa Rican Silvia Elena Chaves, CEO of Florex and one of the most listened to voices in the field, stands out. business sustainability in the region. In fact, during the two days, there will be a packed agenda in two simultaneous rooms, where the latest global trends and initiatives in financial inclusion will be addressed.

The program includes panels on specific topics such as the role of digital currencies and impact measurement to scale inclusion. The opening session will be on August 26 at 9 a.m. and will be led by Giorgio TretteneroSecretary General of FELABAN, and Daniel Tillard, President of ABAPPRA. The event will be attended by executives from the main banks in the region, as well as representatives of local and international government bodies and experts in financial technology (fintech) and start-ups.

“This event is going to be a meeting point “We are committed to the development of the sector, which is a key element of the development of the economy, the economy, the economy, Fintech and even universities. The idea is to address this agenda, which has an important international dynamic and development, but we also want to show that it is reflected in the Argentine reality. We banks feel involved and interested, we want to finance the entire economy that will be generated through this wave of modernization, inclusion and sustainability,” he said. Marcelo MazzonCEO of Abappra.

The first day will allow us to address high-impact thematic axes together with international cooperation organizations and representatives of each topic: for example, the development of topics related to The role of development banks and finance committees to promote more sustainable banking, global initiatives and international regulations for financial inclusion and sustainable finance and impact measurement tools to scale up financial inclusion and sustainable finance.

The second day will address Work strategies applied to the region: digital currencies and means of payment for inclusion, successful microfinance programs with a gender focus and applied to vulnerable communities, migrants, older adults, thematic financial instruments, good practices and examples of applicability.

Other topics to be addressed: Digital currencies and means of payment; Microfinance with a gender perspective; Global initiatives and regulations; Impact measurement instruments

The Congress will conclude with the awards for the winning initiatives of +Futuro, the First Competition for Leaders of Change. Contributions that promote inclusion and sustainability in the financial sector of the region will be recognized in four categories: on the one hand, “Financing the transition to sustainability”which will highlight innovative projects that promote the adoption of responsible business practices within the institution’s client portfolio, promoting energy efficiency, waste management and/or other measures that contribute to the mitigation of climate change and sustainable production and development.

Another of the categories is “Sustainable Development Goals”, This is an opportunity to give special recognition to those entities that have integrated the SDGs into their business strategy and have demonstrated a strong commitment to producing transparent and comprehensive sustainability reports. A third category is “Climate Action,” which will reward specific actions that contribute to mitigating carbon emissions, conserving biodiversity, and restoring and caring for the environment. Finally, “Gender, Vulnerable Groups, and Financial Inclusion,” which will recognize projects that have managed to expand banking access and access to financial services among vulnerable groups and have reduced gender gaps in access to economic opportunities.

By Editor

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