Bauli aims for 1 billion turnover by 2030

Bauli aims to reach 1 billion in turnover by 2030, through a strategy based on three directions: the diversification and innovation of product categories, sales channels and the strengthening of its presence in key foreign markets. To face the challenges of the bakery market, characterized by fragmentation and price polarization, Bauli, with an investment in the two-year period 2024-25 of approximately 82 million euros, launches the new brand architecture that is part of the three-way growth path and consists of a simplification of the structure. At the center of this revolution are the two iconic brands of the group, Bauli and Motta, which will be the subject of a profound transformation and repositioning, following a portfolio strategy oriented towards the creation of value, as stated in a note from the company.

Bauli, with a high level of awareness and appreciation from consumers, will become the “group leader”, optimizing its offer and also including some iconic products such as Buondì and Girella. The brand’s DNA will be rebuilt around the concept of sourdough, an ingredient that the company has guarded for more than 100 years and which is the basis of all its products. Motta will undergo a real repositioning: with its pastry expertise on some of the most iconic products in Italy, starting with the Panettone di Milano, it will become the group’s premium brand.

The entire transformation is based on a significant paradigm shift: the goal is to implement an approach increasingly focused on business enhancement through investments in process, product and talent innovations. “We believe that through differentiation and the creation of value for the consumer, there is still room for growth both in Italy and abroad. Strengthened by our century-old expertise in the bakery world, we look enthusiastically to future goals, making 360-degree innovation our main strategic lever to reach new consumer targets, on different consumption and purchase occasions”, says Fabio Di Giammarco, CEO of the Bauli group. (AGI)

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